Introduction Fungi Fungus Mycology Mykes = Mushroom Medical mycology


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction Fungi Fungus Mycology Mykes = Mushroom Medical mycology 5 kingdom Monera Plant Animal Protista Eukaryote & Heterotrophic

FUNGI Number of cell Multi-cellular: MOLD کپک Uni-cellular : YEAST مخمر

Mold Hyphae Mycelium Aseptate Septate Aerial Vegetative Coenocytic Zygomycetes Septate Aerial Vegetative

YEAST Round or oval Budding/binary fission Pseudohyphae or pseudomycelium Yeast like Candida albicans

Dimorphism Nature Mold In body Yeast Sporothrix schenkii 25° Sabouraud’s glucose agar (S) In body Yeast 37° BHI, Blood Agar Sporothrix schenkii Histoplasma capsulatum Blastomyces dermatitidis Coccidioides immitis Spherule Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Penicillium marneffei

Dimorphism Parasitic Saprophytic Life of fungi Yeast Mold Mutulistic Candida albicans Parasitic Yeast Saprophytic Mold Life of fungi Mutulistic Loboa loboi Rhinosporidium sebeeri

Reproduction Sexual Perfect Teleomorph Asexual Imperfect Anamorph Spore Conidia Macro & Micro

Asexual Sporangiospore Macroconidia Microconidia Arthroconidia Chlamydioconidia Budding Binary fission







Binary fission

Sexual Ascospore Ascomycetes Basidiospore Basidiomycetes Zygospore Zygomycetes Deutromycetes

Environmental Conditions Temperature PH Moisture Light Aeration

Temperature Thermophile Mesophile Psychrophile Max:20 Min:20 Opt:30-40 Max:50-60 Aspergillus fumigatus Mesophile 10-35 Opt:27-28 Psychrophile Max:20

PH, Moisture, Light PH 6.8 Moi. 80% Light somatic & Reproductive

Aeration Obligate aerobe Facultative fermentative Obligate fermentative Obligate anaerobe Hydrogenosom

Cell envelope Characteristic Enzymes EM Dynamic

Cell envelope Cell membrane Cell wall Capsule

Cell envelope Cell membrane Sterol Cholesterol Phytostrole Ergostrole Polyen

The plasma membrane Like other eukaryotes Role of C.M 2 layer phospholipid + proteins + sterol Antifungal drugs Role of C.M Absorb & release Enzymes Chitin synthetase & glucan synthetase Protein Signal transduction

The Wall Component Polysaccharide Protein Lipid No constant

Cell wall Shape Interface Osmotic pressure Molecular transfer Pigment Physiologic roles Enzymes Invertase: sucrose → glucose + fructose Ag

Cell wall Ascomycetes & Basidiomycetes Zygomycetes Chitin Glucans Mannoprotein Zygomycetes Chitosan Polyglucoronic acid

Cell wall Chitin N- acetylglucoseamin ( β 1→4 ) Elastic Fungi & Insects N- acetylglucoseamin ( β 1→4 ) Elastic Hydrogen bands Inter & Intra

Cell wall Chitosan Cellulose Glucoseamin ( β 1→ 4 ) Oomycetes

Cell wall Glucans Polysaccharide of D-glucose monomers β 1→ 3 2nd ( EXP Zygomycetes ) Structural & Reservoir

Cell wall Mannoproteins Yeast Produce in ER & Golgi apparatus S. cerevisiae ( 20 % ) Produce in ER & Golgi apparatus

Cell wall Melanin Phenol Resistance to any enzyme Protection Catechol →C6H4(OH)2 Tyrosine Dihydroxynaphthalene Resistance to any enzyme Protection Enzyme light

The extrahyphal matrix Capsule C.neoformans Ag Phagocytosis

Structure & Ultra structure EM Cytochemical stains Hyphae Yeast

Hyphae Tube Solid wall Protoplasm No fixed length Diameter 1-30 μm ( 5-10 μm ) Tip

Hyphae Nucleus Mitochondria Vacuoles Lipid bodies Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Atypical

Hyphae Nucleus Aseptate Septate Small Coenocytic Tip → Growth → Multinucleus Small Light microscope Fluorescence staining

Yeast Budding 1 nucleus Great vacuole Bud → nucleus division → cytoplasm division → chitin sedimentation → 2 cell Scar Multiple budding Bipolar budding

Secretory system ER, Golgi apparatus & vesicles Ribosome → protein synthesis → ER → golgi apparatus → processing* → vesicles → secretion * tertiary structure Glycosilation Rearrangement

Vacuoles Round structure Storage Recycling PH regulation Phosphate Calcium Recycling Cleavage of protein → amino acids PH regulation

Cytoskeleton Microtubule Microfilament Myosin like protein Fungal tubulin different from animal & planet ( griseofulvin )

Medical Mycology Opportunistic pathogen True pathogen Allergic fungi Toxic fungi Mycotoxicosis Afla toxin A.flavus, A.parasiticus & P.puberulum Mycetismus

Medical Mycology Superficial mycosis Cutaneous mycosis Subcutaneous mycosis Systemic mycosis Opportunistic mycosis Mold Yeast