High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Recent Developments Planning and Operations Committee September 9, 2005
Transportation 2030 proposal Convert HOV lanes to HOT lanes Carpools, buses still travel free of charge SOVs can choose to use HOT lanes for a toll FasTrak TM electronic toll collection Maintain HOV/HOT lane performance Regional HOT Network Transportation 2030
More efficient use of freeway capacity Help fund expansion of HOV network and express bus service Offers travelers another choice – “congestion insurance” Local efforts underway; need regional coordination Why a Regional HOT Network? Transportation 2030
Conceptual Regional HOT Network
HOT Lanes in Operation Orange County (SR 91) San Diego (I-15) Houston, Texas (I-10 Katy Freeway and US 290) Minneapolis (I-394) opened May 16, 2005 Coming Soon Denver (I-25) to open December, 2005 Seattle (State Route 167) in 2007 Houston (I-10 extension) in 2009 San Diego (I-15 extension ) in 2010 National Projects Recent Developments
Existing HOT Lanes Orange County SR 91 Express Lanes
Existing HOT Lanes San Diego I-15 Express Lanes
Existing HOT Lanes Houston I-10 Katy Freeway
New HOT Lanes Minneapolis I-394 MnPASS (Opened May 16)
Value Pricing Pilot Program 15 demonstration projects $11 to $12 million/year Broad permission to convert HOV to HOT Must maintain service levels (45 mph minimum) Encourages directing excess revenue to ridesharing and highway safety programs Federal Legislation - SAFETEA Developments
Existing law modified by AB 2032 (Dutra) provides specific authority for pilot projects Alameda County – 2 projects (including I-680) Santa Clara County – 2 projects San Diego County – 2 projects GoCalifornia bills expand authority for Caltrans and regional agencies – difficult path in legislature AB 850 (Canciamilla) – Caltrans AB 561 (Runner) – Caltrans AB 509 (Richman) – Regional transportation agencies AB 1699 (Frommer) – Regional transportation agencies/ sales tax authorities (Design build and HOT lanes elements) State Legislation Developments
I-680 Sunol Grade Smart Carpool Lane Pilot Project (ACCMA & VTA) Convert southbound I-680 HOV lane to HOT lane Projected opening 2009 I-580/I-680 HOT/Credit Lanes Feasibility Study (ACCMA) Low-income drivers credits toward free HOT lane use Study recommendations Fall 2005 Santa Clara County HOT Lane Feasibility Study (VTA) Identify corridors for pilot projects Study recommendations September 2005 Regional Projects Recent Developments
Limited access Double-yellow stripe separation with intermediate access (access design under study) Toll varies by time of day, day of week Early polling: 60% to 70% support (project area) Proposed I-680 Concept Recent Developments
How Do We Get to a Regional Network? Next Steps pilot projects (I-680, ACCMA & VTA corridors) convert low- volume HOV lanes convert HOV lanes when they reach capacity (increase HOV occupancy) construct new lanes to close gaps Define a series of phases, for example
Build on work in Alameda and Santa Clara counties Identify corridors “next in line” Regional network must be coordinated; considerations include Carpool lane integrity Need capacity to sell Distribution of benefits Governance Technology Regional HOT Network Feasibility Study Next Steps
In Closing EXPRESS LANES HOV 2+ FREE FasTrak Tag Only - No Cash $1.00 TOLL $2.50 To MINN ESOT A 262 To MINN ESOT A 237