Computer hardware and software
1.The history of computer First computer: ENIAC: 1946 in America, Vacuum tubes computer, It’s main components were vacuum tubes times/s (computing ability, example, It could compute a plus like 2+5 for 5000 times per second. Computer generations: (1)Vacuum tubes time ( ) (2)Transistor time ( ) This time, we used transistors replacing vacuum tubes. (3) Integrated circuit time ( about 1980) We used integrated circuit replacing transistors (called discrete components). An integrated circuit chip contains transistors or more.
(4) Large Scale Integrated Circuit time Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit time (1980’s---now) The third generation has less transistors in a chip. LSI or VLSI contains more transistors in a chip. Now, Pentium (CPU, Central processing Unit) contains 200,000,000 transistors.
2.Computer Application areas Science Computing data management Controlling CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design/Manufacture Artificial Intelligence Information High Way In Medical areas: Hospital Management System; Artificial Intelligence system in medicine Medical instruments with Artificial Intelligence Human gene analysis
3. Computer Categories (1)Super Computer (High performance computer ): It has high speed computing ability, very larger storage ability. In 2010, 36 th 500 top supercomputer in world, Chinese Computer TianHe 1, First won top. The computing speed is 2566 PFLOPS. (PFLOPS: floating point operations per second) It has CPU. It’s peak speed is 4701 PFLOPS. The supercomputer is national power. (2) Microcomputer (Personal computer) Now, we are using microcomputer. Many families have this kind computer. We can use them for computing, managing medical experiment data, playing games.
4. Microcomputer Hardware CPU Memory Input device Output device
Main Board
Displayer display card The display card is an interface between CPU and displayer.
Keyboard and Mouse
Power Case Hard Disk CDROM
Sound card Loudspeaker box Printer Scanner MODEM Network Card
U 盘 : U disk: material : FLASH It has replaced floppy drive.floppy drive mobile HDD(mobile hard disk drive) 固态硬盘: SSD ; Serial ATA ; Solid State Disk
5.Software categories System software: The system software is computer basic and indispensable software. For example, Operating System is an indispensable program, if there is no this file, the computer will not run. indispensable Application software: These kinds of software is designed for application purposes. For example, WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT are application software.
6. Computer Virus The virus is a program with damaging other programs and data. We must install a clearing virus program on a computer. 瑞星 (rasing)