Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer1 0. Introduction to Computer 0.1 Binary Number System A B C D E F Dec Binary Hex Physical Representation 0 1 NS NS Conversion(Bin Dec) = Units : bit Byte(8 bit) word(2 or 4 B) KB(1,024 B) MB(1,024 KB) GB(1,024 MB) binary digit 2 8 = 256
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer2 0.2 Organization of a Hypothetic-Computer CPU: Cent’l Proc. Unit bus: CU: Control Unit ALU: Arith./ Logic Unit PC: Program Counter IR: Instruction Register ID: Instruction Decoder Flag Reg: o, s, z, c Registers: AX - DX clock: clock generator Interface Card R: Ready bit data: buffer register PC IR ID AX BX CX DX oszc CUALU clock A 0B MEMORY INPUT R data R OUTPUT CPU
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer3 0.3 Instruction Set Machine code 0010RdMm 0011MmRs 0100RdRs 0101RdRs 0110Mm 0111Mm 1000Mm 1001RdPt 1010PtRs RdRs Mnemonic code LOAD Rd, Mm STORE Mm, Rs ADD Rd, Rs SUB Rd, Rs JMP Mm JL Mm JZ Mm IN Rd, Pt OUT Pt, Rs HALT MOV Rd, Rs Operation Rd (Mm) Mm (Rs) Rd (Rd) + (Rs), set Flag Rd (Rd) - (Rs), set Flag PC Mm PC Mm, if S=1 PC Mm, if Z=1 Rd (Pt) Pt (Rs) PC (PC) Rd (Rs) Group Arithmetic Branch Input/Output Control Transfer Rd: destination register Rs: source register Mm: memory address PC: program counter Pt: port number
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer4 0.4 Machine Language Program vs Assembly Language Program To store the bigger of A and B to C PC IR ID AX BX CX DX oszc ALU CUALU clock A.... LOAD AX, A LOAD BX, B SUB AX, BX JL ITSB LOAD BX, A ITSB: STORE C, BX HALT A: DS 2 B: DS 2 C: DS 2 Assemble Assembly L. Prog. Execut e Fetc h Machine Lang. Prog. Stored Prog. von Neumann
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer5 0.5 Programming Languages Low-level PL High-level PL Machine Language Assembly Language Interpreter L compiler L Basic APL Smalltalk... Fortran, Cobol, PL/1 Pascal, Ada C, C++, C = A 20 if (B>A) then C = B if (A>B) then C := A else C := B; C = (A>B)? A : B;
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer6 개인용 컴퓨터의 규격 CPU Memory Secondary Storage I/O Device
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer7 CPU Microprocessor –8088, 80286, 80386, –Pentium II, III, IV –Celeron CPU 의 속도 –MHz (650 MHz, 800 MHz, 1 GHz)
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer8 Memory Cache Memory – 용량 : 256 KB, 512 KB (L1 cache, L2 cache) DRAM –Dynamic Random Access Memory - 휘발성 – 용량 : 128 MB, 256 MB –DIMM, SIMM ROM –Read Only Memory (ROM BIOS) - 비휘발성
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer9 Secondary Storage Hard Disk –Magnetic Storage –Seek time + Rotational delay + Transfer time – 용량 : 20 GB, 30 GB CD-ROM – 속도 : 48 배속, 용량 : 650 MB (DVD: 4 GB) Floppy Disk –3.5” 2HD = 1.44 MB, ZIP: 100 MB Magnetic Tape –Sequential Storage (DAT: 4GB ~ 8GB)
Chap. 0 Introd. to Computer10 I/O Device Graphics Card Video Adapter –Pixel: 1280 1024 (640 480, 1024 768) –Frame Buffer: 1028 1024 3B 8 32 MB Sound Card –Analog to Digital Converter Modem: 56 Kbps Keyboard, Mouse