America’s role in the Global Family? What role do you see America playing in the “Global Family”? (Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt, Sister, etc…) Explain. What role would you like to see America playing in the “Global Family”? Explain.
America as an Imperialist Power? Overarching Question – In what ways was the US beginning to look like an “imperialist” power in the early 1900’s?
“Breakfast in America”? Doesn’t this look yummy? Does having these on your plate benefit everyone involved?
Imperialism – Defined… Ideology of Imperialism – rests on two main ideas… - Nationalism - Culturally Superiority
Ideas of becoming an “imperialist” power? Imperialism vs. Isolationism Alfred Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (add to notes) Alaska purchased in 1867 (.02/acre) - “Sewards Folly” (add to notes) Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani – our interests here?
The Queen Liliuokalani’s majesty…
Photos of Hawaii….see the interest?
More Photos…
Ok, but why would you want to stay?
US in South Asia.. “Spheres of Influence” in China – why were we interested? Open Door Policy in China and Boxer Rebellion – what happened? Perry in Japan sparking the Meiji Restoration - our relationship with Japan?
For what reason(s) was the Spanish - American War fought? US interests in Cuba? Jose Marti – What happened in regards to his leadership? Yellow Journalism – Pulitzer and Hearst Results?
“A splendid little war…” Sinking of USS Maine and The de Lome letter Teddy Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” US Involvement in Philippines? US casualties in Cuba?
Results of the Spanish American War… Occupation of Philippines? Anti Imperialist League Platt Amendment Teller Amendment (signed, yet war began 1897)
Our new map?
Our new image to the world?
What was the relationship between US and Latin American nations? ? Building the Panama Canal, currentlycurrently Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary Dollar Diplomacy (Taft) vs. Moral Diplomacy (Wilson) Dollar Diplomacy Moral Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson’s leadership Mexican Revolution (Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata) Mexican Revolution US interests in Mexico? Video Video
The Mexican Revolution - In a Nutshell Between 1877 to 1911, Porfirio Diaz led with iron fist and financial interest in US Businesses. Francisco Madero called for revolution - uprooted Diaz; General Huerta seized power and killed Madero; Pres. Wilson stationed warships Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata each led revolts US Businesses wanted Huerta out Tampico Crisis and seizure of German ammunition ship contributed to US forces assaulting Veracruz; Huerta replaced by Carranza, but Villa and Zapata continued revolt - attacked US to unite Mexicans, by 1920 revolution ended (meantime…thousands moved to US)