Welcome to Ms. Phillips’ 3rd Grade Parent Orientation. Please find your child’s desk and have a seat.
Contact information Ms. Phillips - is my preferred means of communication.
Classroom Rules I WILL: Show respect for others and property Keep my hands, feet & objects to myself Display a positive attitude and use appropriate language Listen and follow directions Show responsibility by completing class work and being prepared Keep your teacher happy! Consequences : (Depending on the severity of the incident, it may require immediate mark in calendar or office referral) Warning and redirection. 5 mins off recess & Mark in Behavior Calendar. 10 mins off recess Office referral
Communication Weekly Newsletter – our class newsletter will be posted on my FME Web Page each week. A notification will be ed to you once I update it. – –Schools –FME –Academics –Teacher Websites (the link right to the site is on my signature) – type=uhttp://flowermound.lisd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=220412& type=u If you do not have access to a computer please let me know.
Please sign up for REMIND 101 via your cell phone
Communication, cont. Red Binders – There will be a homework check- off sheet filled out each week AND requires a parent signature on Thursday night. At the end of the week, you are asked to sign off on your child’s behavior calendar, too. Friday Folders – each Friday your child will bring home their folder. Please remove all graded papers and flyers in folder and make sure to check if any need to be corrected and returned on Monday.
Curriculum Reading Book – Journey’s (available online via my Moodle page OR FME webpage) Envision Math available online via my Moodle page OR FME webpage) Language Arts & Social Studies lessons are combined but will have separate grades in grade book. Students will learn keyboarding. I have provided links on Moodle for additional practice. Field trip to Elm Fork April 29 th. DON’T FORGET THE BACKGROUND CHECK! 2011 applications have expired! Access the background check via lisd.net under the Parents Tab (very last on the drop down list)
Curriculum, cont. Falcon Time- Intervention/Enrichment time –This is going to take place Tuesdays and Thursdays each week during the first 30 mins of class. –Your child may be with another 3 rd grade teacher or paraprofessional receiving leveled review/enrichment content during this time.
Homework Homework – Homework will be assigned on Mondays and due on Friday mornings. Occasionally, other content area homework will be assigned to review for tests. Spelling (Words Their Way) – There will be a spelling test every Thursday. Lists are distributed either Thursday or Friday prior to the test. Reading Log – 80 minutes per week (Mon.-Thurs) Reading log must be signed by a parent or guardian each day. If a guided reading book or Social Studies book comes home, please count that towards the required reading minutes.
Grades and Report Cards Progress reports will be sent home every three weeks. Please sign and return the following Monday. Report cards will go home every NINE weeks. Envelopes need to be signed and returned the following Monday. Please make sure the envelope is empty. Grades can be checked on-line through Skyward. There is a link on my Webpage. Mrs. C., our attendance clerk, can help you obtain your username and password if you need it again. ALL Major grades are counted and listed TWICE in grade book If a student turns in a late assignment, eleven points will be deducted for each day it is late. After 3 days the score goes to a zero.
STAAR Dates Math – April 21 st Reading – April 22 nd Help me assure your children that they will be taught everything they will need to know prior to the test. This has relieved a lot of anxiety in the past.
Miscellaneous Students can bring a healthy snack to have at 9am in the morning. Please refrain from sending liquid snacks or ones that require utensils. Water bottles are allowed. Please do not freeze them. The cafeteria can get cold, so your child may want to bring a jacket or sweater to keep in their lockers for the week.
Miscellaneous, cont. Call the office /Send in a note / me for any transportation change before 2:00. Birthday snacks must be purchased from a retailer. They are served at the end of the day at 2:30. No cupcakes, ice cream or cookie cakes please! Two class Parties: Winter Holiday Party and EOY Party
Volunteer Opportunities Room parent (Organize 2 parties) Co-room parent (Organize 2 parties) Copy room parent (copies + laminating) Mentoring (30-60 mins/week)
Class Schedule 7:40-8:00 Arrival + Morning work 8:00-9:35 ELA/SS 8:00-8:30 Falcon Time T/TH only 9:35-10:25 Fine Arts 10:25-11:45 Math 11:45-12:45 Lunch / Recess 12:45-2:00 ELA/SS 2:00-2:45 Science 2:45-2:50 Pack-up & dismissal