Efficiency, effectiveness and service in public administration IPAM the Dutch Informal Pro-Active Approach Model Lynn van der Velden Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Outline presentation Introduction Description IPAM, current status, results and goals National and international context and developments EC and UN interest in projects Dynamics and challenges
b The Dutch Policy Context for IPAM Both private sector and government spend millions in hours and costs on complaint, objection and appeal procedures and there is a significant increase of subsidized legal aid up to € 400 mln per year Cause of 11% of the total amount of administrative burdens for citizens Part of citizens’ top ten most pressing bottlenecks in government services, citizens contentment 4,8 3
National implementation of IPAM for decision-making processes and in case of complaint handling and objection procedures Solution for miscommunication, poor behaviour, unclear rules, disputes with and between citizens leading to significant increase of acceptance of government decisions and citizens contentment NEW POLICY First intervention by telephone, pro-active solution driven approach Informal dialogue, including in person discussion on what is the best way to handle the problem
Current status & goal Goal: nation wide implementation in all government decision-making processes including complaint handling and objection procedures Within the next four years in a minimum of 50% of all decision-making processes IPAM should be offered At the moment 220 pilots in 16 government domains
Development of governments and public service delivery Kafka’esque Arbitrary Random Coercive Bureaucratic Rules-based Administrative Top-down Gov-centric One-size-fits-all Open & participative Transparent & responsive Innovative Both bottom-up & top-down User-centric & Personalised Relationship- and behaviour-based
Canadian Citizens first project and research Job satis-faction civil servants Service delivery & citizen satisfaction Trust in government Reduction of Administrative burdens Workplace Education and development Management Timely services Treatment Professionality Results Transparancy Admitting mistakes Integrity Equality drivers
Results Reduction of cost for the government of approximately 20% An increase of citizen satisfaction of 40% An increase in employee satisfaction of 20% Informal procedure preferred and leads to a solution in 50%-60% of the objection cases and in 80-90% complaint cases
System change Pilots are evolving to a national system change Administrative law Court proceedings involving government organisations National policy on a change of processes within public service delivery
International interest European Public Service Award United Nations Public Service Award
Dynamics and challenges 1.Dutch hospitals * education on IPAM is part of education Dutch physicians * professionalisation of complaint handling and development of system for learning from complaints Challenges: when insurance offices are involved because of a claim 2. Dutch municipalities * top runners and innovators within IPAM project * broadest variety of government domains Challenges: when to stop, lawyers, multi-party involvement, handling expectations, change management within the organizations
Bottlenecks and challenges Project is based only on a training OR - coaching on the job - telephone-buddies - meetings amongst pilot members during the pilot Involvement of management Coördination of pilot and adjustment of procedures Coöperation between Projectleader and projectmembers