The MDGs - Country experience Republic of Mauritius Meera Ganoo Central Statistcis Office Mauritius May 2008
The MDGs - Country experience Key statistics Key statistics Role of the Central Statistics Office Role of the Central Statistics Office Data sources Data sources Use of administrative data Use of administrative data MDG Indicators at sub national level MDG Indicators at sub national level Dissemination of MDG indicators Dissemination of MDG indicators Working towards the achievement of the goals Working towards the achievement of the goals
Key statistics Population (Dec 2007) = 1.26 million Population (Dec 2007) = 1.26 million Upper middle income group (GDP per capita = $ 6,500 in 2007) Upper middle income group (GDP per capita = $ 6,500 in 2007) High Human Development (HDI rank = 65 in 2005) High Human Development (HDI rank = 65 in 2005) Inflation rate = 8.8% in 2007 Inflation rate = 8.8% in 2007 Unemployment rate = 8.5% in 2007 Unemployment rate = 8.5% in 2007
Role of the Central Statistics Office Collects data and compiles indicators Collects data and compiles indicators Collects MDG indicators from other data producers Collects MDG indicators from other data producers Updates the database of MGD indicators Updates the database of MGD indicators Coordinates the reporting of MDG indicators to international agencies Coordinates the reporting of MDG indicators to international agencies
Data sources Censuses Censuses Household surveys Household surveys Administrative data Administrative data
Census data Housing and Population Censuses Housing and Population Censuses Full coverage Full coverage Reliable indicators Reliable indicators Census held every ten years Census held every ten years Indicators are not up to date Indicators are not up to date
Household Survey data Continuous Multi Purpose Household Survey Continuous Multi Purpose Household Survey Updated indicators Updated indicators Consistent and representative Consistent and representative Example : share of women in wage employment in non-agricultural sector Example : share of women in wage employment in non-agricultural sector
Household Budget Survey Indicators updated every five years Indicators updated every five years Example : proportion of population below $1 per day Example : proportion of population below $1 per day
Administrative data Well structured and established system Well structured and established system Full coverage and consistent data Full coverage and consistent data Reliable indicators Reliable indicators 16 out of the 48 MDG indicators are compiled based on administrative data 16 out of the 48 MDG indicators are compiled based on administrative data
Examples – uses of administrative data Example 1 : Mortality rates Administrative data from Ministry of Health Administrative data from Ministry of Health Reliable vital statistics Reliable vital statistics Well structured and established system of birth and deaths registration Well structured and established system of birth and deaths registration Indicators on infant mortality rate, under 5 mortality rate & maternal mortality rate Indicators on infant mortality rate, under 5 mortality rate & maternal mortality rate
Example 2 : Prevalence of malaria & tuberculosis Incidence of malaria and tuberculosis used as proxies Incidence of malaria and tuberculosis used as proxies Indicators compiled from health administrative data Indicators compiled from health administrative data
Example 3 : Education MGD Indicators Ratio of boys to girls in primary, secondary & tertiary education Ratio of boys to girls in primary, secondary & tertiary education Reliable data collected by the Statistics Unit within the Ministry of Education for primary & secondary education Reliable data collected by the Statistics Unit within the Ministry of Education for primary & secondary education However, there are data gaps at tertiary level However, there are data gaps at tertiary level
Example 4 : MDG environment indicators Compiled from administrative data at the Ministry of Environment Example Ratio of terrestrial and marine area protected Ratio of terrestrial and marine area protected Carbon dioxide emission Carbon dioxide emission
Other examples of MDG indicators based on administrative data Telephone line subscribers (fixed & mobile) Telephone line subscribers (fixed & mobile) Internet subscribers Internet subscribers Data available from telecommunication service providers Data available from telecommunication service providers
MDG Indicators at sub national level Only 2 MGD indicators are compiled for urban and rural areas Only 2 MGD indicators are compiled for urban and rural areas Proportion of population with sustainable access to improved water source Proportion of population with sustainable access to improved water source Proportion of population with improved access to sanitation Proportion of population with improved access to sanitation Based on the Housing Census data Based on the Housing Census data Full coverage Full coverage Indicators can be reliably compiled at sub national level Indicators can be reliably compiled at sub national level
Relevance of MDG indicators at sub national level MGD indicators are not relevant at the sub national level MGD indicators are not relevant at the sub national level Compilation of indicators are not justified Compilation of indicators are not justified The country is small The country is small Monitoring MDG at the national level is adequate Monitoring MDG at the national level is adequate
Example of non relevance of indicators Proportion of population with sustainable access to improved water source, 2000 Census Proportion of population with sustainable access to improved water source, 2000 Census - Urban 99.7% - Rural 98.3% Proportion of population with access to improved sanitation, 2000 Census Proportion of population with access to improved sanitation, 2000 Census - Urban 99.9% - Rural 99.8%
Rodrigues Island Forms part of the Republic of Mauritius Forms part of the Republic of Mauritius Has its own characteristics Has its own characteristics Some MGD indicators are relevant to monitor progress Some MGD indicators are relevant to monitor progress Data sources : Data sources : - households surveys - administrative system
Rodrigues Island (contd.) A report had been produced on the MDG indicators in 2003 A report had been produced on the MDG indicators in 2003 Statistical system not well established as that of the Island of Mauritius Statistical system not well established as that of the Island of Mauritius Indicators such as CO2 emission and energy efficiency not available Indicators such as CO2 emission and energy efficiency not available
Proxies Unavailability of data to compile indicators according to recommended definitions Unavailability of data to compile indicators according to recommended definitions Use Proxies Use Proxies Example Example Indicator : Proportion of households with access to secure tenure Proxy : Percentage of owner occupied dwelling
Working towards the achievement of MDG goals MDG Committee set up in 2007 MDG Committee set up in 2007 Address shortcomings regarding the production of MDG indicators Address shortcomings regarding the production of MDG indicators Objective of the Committee Objective of the Committee take stock of the MDG indicators take stock of the MDG indicators review the existing indicators review the existing indicators propose new indicators relevant for the country propose new indicators relevant for the country propose means for computation of indicators propose means for computation of indicators
Thank you