Engaging Employers: Improving Integration Outcomes by Partnering with Canadian Business National Metropolis Conference Friday, March 14, 2014 Corinne Prince-St-Amand
Labour market integration is critical to newcomers’ long-term success in Canada, and employment remains a key challenge for many We know that many newcomers continue to face key barriers: – Lack of Canadian work experience – Lack of recognition of foreign educational or professional credentials by regulatory authorities or employers – Lack of knowledge regarding Canadian workplace culture – Inadequate language proficiency and other skills – Discrimination exists in different domains of society, including the labour market 2 Immigration and the Canadian Labour Market
Settlement programming helps address barriers to the labour market integration of newcomers through: – Information and orientation sessions in Canada and abroad – Language training (including occupation-specific training) – Work placements – Services that facilitate credential recognition or licensure (e.g. Educational Credential Assessment, International Qualification Network) – Mentorships – Services that connect newcomers to the community and employers (e.g. job fairs including Destination Canada) 3 CIC-funded services
The Settlement Program does not work in isolation; employers have been integral to the success of leading settlement practices: – Adopting and/or funding networking, bridging and mentoring programs, internships, work placements, and creating welcoming workplaces – Playing a key role in local, multi-stakeholder initiatives such as Immigrant Employment Councils (IECs), Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) and Francophone Immigration Networks – Participating in CIC initiatives that link newcomers with employment including the Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) program – Sharing best practices through the International Qualification Network – Collaborating on joint priorities including Foreign Credential Recognition and Alternative Careers 4 Employers and Labour Market Integration
CIC is exploring how to increase the effectiveness of labour market integration programming by building on partnerships with the private sector, including new innovative approaches (e.g. social finance models) From a planning perspective, CIC continues to explore ways to engage employers in consultations on settlement priority setting 5 Moving Forward: Employer Engagement