America’s Health Insurance Plans An Overview of the Emerging Vaccines Chart Savolia Spottswood, MS
AHIP Vaccines and Immunization Initiative Provides information to our members on: –New vaccines; –Vaccine safety; –Public policy; and –Innovative approaches to increase immunization rates. Convenes member organizations to discuss challenges and barriers (i.e. immunization) Representation on key national groups: –ACIP –NVAC
AHIP Emerging Vaccines Chart The Purpose A simple tool for tracking the current status of emerging vaccines under various stages of development, FDA approval, and ACIP recommendation. To provide a broad overview of the vast array of vaccines in the pipeline; it is not intended as a comprehensive list of all vaccines currently under development. Assists health plans in monitoring vaccines ready for the market.
Content The grids show emerging vaccines according to four distinct groupings: –Pediatric Vaccines; –Adolescent/Adult Vaccines; –Immunotherapeutic Vaccines/Pharmaccines; and –Bioterrorism Agents The information in this report is updated a few times/year. Based on information retrieved from: –NIAID ( –Pharmaceutical company Web sites
AHIP and It’s Member Organizations …ultimately seek to improve immunization rates for all recommended vaccines - an important step to advancing the health of all Americans. Thank You Savolia Spottswood Senior Manager of Vaccines, Pharmacy and Biologics America's Health Insurance Plans Phone: (202)