Integumentary System
Combining Forms Adip/o, lip/o, steat/o: fat Cutane/o: skin Hidr/o, sudor/o: sweat ichthy/o: dry, scaly Kerat/o: horny tissue, cornea Melan/o: black Myc/o: fungus Onych/o: nail Pil/o, trich/o: hair Scler/o: hardening Seb/o: sebum, sebaceous Squam/o: flat Xer/o: dry Cry/o: cold
Suffixes -cyte: cell -derma: skin -phoresis: carrying, transmission Xen/o: foreigner, stranger
Overview Dermatologist: a physician who specializes in treating integumentary disorders Function: to protect by forming a barrier and to secrete oil, sweat and sebum Accessory organs: hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceous glands
Overview Epidermis: the outer layer of skin that forms a protective covering for the body Has no nerves or vessels Dermis: the inner layer of skin, rich in blood vessels, nerve endings, glands and hair follicles Subcutaneous “layer”: mostly adipose tissue that forms an insulation layer to prevent heat loss
Diseases and Conditions Lesion: any wound, injury or pathological change in body tissue Systemic: pertaining to a system or the whole body Cutaneous: pertaining to the skin Therapeutic: treatment, remediation or curing a disorder or disease Abrasion: scraping or rubbing away of the surface of the skin Abscess: a collection of pus at the site of an infection
Diseases and Disorders Furuncle “boil”: an abscess that originates in a hair follicle Carbuncle: a cluster of boils in subcutaneous tissue Acne: inflammatory disease of sebaceous follicles of the skin Alopecia: absence of or loss of hair, especially on the head
Diseases and Conditions Burn: tissue injury caused by contact with thermal, chemical, electrical or radioactive ingredients First-degree “superficial”: mild burn affecting only the epidermis Redness, no blisters or scarring Second-degree “partial thickness”: affects the epidermis and part of the dermis Redness, blistering, little to no scaring Third-degree “full thickness”: severe burn that destroys the epidermis and damages the dermis and subcutaneous layers Skin is charred and black
Diseases and Conditions Comedo “blackhead”: discolored, dried sebum plugging a duct in the skin Cyst: a closed sac under the skin containing fluid or solid material Pilonidal cyst: growth of hair in a cyst on the skin Sebaceous cyst: a cyst filled with sebum Eczema: redness of skin caused by swelling of the capillaries
Diseases and Conditions Gangrene: death of tissue resulting from loss of blood supply to an area Hemorrhage: large amounts of blood loss in a short amount of time Contusion: a hemorrhage underneath unbroken skin Ecchymosis: skin discoloration consisting of large hemorrhagic areas Petechia: small hemorrhagic spots on the skin smaller than ecchymosis
Diseases and Conditions Hematoma: an elevated collection of blood trapped under the skin “bruise” Hirsutism: excessive growth of hair in unusual places, especially in women Ichthyosis: a genetic skin disorder in which the skin is dry and scaly because of a defect in keratinization Impetigo: a bacterial skin infection with boils that become crusted and rupture Keloid: an overgrowth of hardened scar tissue Psoriasis: a chronic skin disease with itchy red patches and silvery scales
Diseases and Conditions Scabies: a contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite Skin lesions: areas of altered tissue caused by disease, injury or wounds Tinea: a fungal infection like athletes foot or jock itch Ulcer: lesion of the skin or mucous membranes Pressure ulcer: a skin ulcer caused by prolonged pressure “bedsores”
Diseases and Conditions Urticaria: an allergic skin reaction “hives” Verruca: a rounded growth caused by a virus “wart” Vesicle: a small, blister-like elevation on the skin containing clear fluid Vitiligo: loss of skin pigmentation “leukoderma” Wheal: smooth, elevated skin that is white in the center surrounded by redness
Skin Cancers Carcinoma: uncontrolled growth of abnormal (malignant) cells Melanoma: a malignant tumor that originates in melanocytes Most dangerous type of skin cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma: skin cancer caused by over exposure to ultraviolet radiation Most common type of skin cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma: skin cancer of the epidermis Second most common type of skin cancer
Diagnostic Procedures Biopsy: removal of living tissue for microscopic examination Skin test: any test in which an allergen is applied to the skin Cryosurgery: use of subfreezing temperatures to destroy abnormal tissue Debridement: removal of foreign material from damaged tissue Fulguration: tissue destruction using high- frequency electrical current
Diagnostic Procedures Incision and drainage (I&D): incision of a lesion or abscess followed by draining the contents Mohs surgery: tumor tissue is removed for biopsy Skin graft: a transplant of healthy tissue to replace damaged tissue Allograft: a skin graft from one person to another person Autograft: a skin graft from one site to another site on the same person Synthetic: a skin graft using artificial skin Xenograft: a skin graft from a foreign donor (pig) to a human
Diagnostic Procedures Skin resurfacing: repairs damaged skin, acne scars, wrinkles or tattoos with the use of topical chemicals, abrasions or lasers Chemical peel: the use of chemicals to remove outer layers of skin to treat acne scarring Cutaneous laser: laser treatments for plastic surgery Dermabrasion: removal of acne scars, tattoos or wrinkles using sandpaper or wire brushes
Pharmacology Antibiotics: kill bacteria Antifungals: kill fungus Antipruritics: reduce severe itching Corticosteroids: anti-inflammatory agents
Abbreviations BCC: basal cell carcinoma DM: diabetes mellitus FH: family history I&D: incision and drainage PE: physical examination SCC: squamous cell carcinoma UV: ultraviolet