Purpose and Hypothesis Purpose- The reason I am doing this project is to determine who has a better memory- boys or girls. Hypothesis- I think that girls will have a better memory than boys because if we see a pair of shoes we will remember the details.
The materials Cross necklace Picture of a girl Blue marker Blue mechanical pencil Brittney's monkey Pink stretchy bracelet Elmer's glue stick Water bomb Multicolored ball Piece of paper Blue pen Rubber band Chance ticket Blue glass heart Paper clip Chap stick Remote Mint Quarter Penny Smarties Clover Eraser Scissors Beach ball Push pen
Procedure 1. Gather all materials. 2. place the box under projector. 3. have 12 boys and 12 girls look at the objects for 1 minute. 4. take 12 things out of the box. 5. put the picture back on the smart board. 6.give the students a piece white paper to have them guess what items were missing. 7. repeat steps 2-6 two more time with different objects.
Conclusion Our hypothesis was correct about girls would have a better memory We saw that girls won all three times. In the 1 st trial the girls were up in the 70’s while the boys were in the 40’s. The 2 nd trial the girls were still in the 70’s while the boys were in the 40’s still. Then the 3 rd trial the girls were in the 50’s and boys still in the 40’s.
Conclusion I think the girls won because boys get in trouble a lot and move their names more often than girls.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Mrs. Larsen and our moms for letting us do this and for the supplies.
By: Brittney & Amanda 6A