Infinitive of Purpose Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images / Universal Images Group
I just called to say I love you. Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images / Universal Images Group
Every day at this time, the kids go outside in order to play soccer. Lawrence Migdale / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group
Sally is taking the subway so as to get to work on time. Johnny Green / PA Archive / Press Association Images / Universal Images Group
Expressing purpose Use to-infinitive to express purpose. We can use in order to and so as to for emphasis or in formal situations.
Leda left the party earlier so as not to meet her ex-boyfriend. Bethany Clarke / Getty Images News / Getty Images / Universal Images Group
In order not to fail the final exam, the students studied really hard. Will & Deni McIntyre / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group
Negative form To express a negative purpose use so as not to or in order not to.
My mother worked a lot so that her kids could have a better life. John Murray / Picture Post / Getty Images / Universal Images Group Direitos gerenciados / Educação apenas para uso
My mother worked a lot so that her kids could have a better life. If the subjects are different in the two clauses, use so + that-clause with the present simple tense or with the modal verbs may, can, will, might, could or would.
Study the pictures and make sentences expressing purpose. Ariel Skelley / Blend / Learning Pictures / Universal Images Group
EXAMPLES The mother is holding her daughter’s hand to / in order to / so as to protect her / help her cross the street.
Study the pictures and make sentences expressing purpose. Spencer Grant / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group
EXAMPLES Sugestão: The students are protesting to / in order to / so as to have a peaceful world / promote peace.
Study the pictures and make sentences expressing purpose. Andersen Ross / Blend / Learning Pictures / Universal Images Group
EXAMPLES Sugestão: The man is using the computer to / in order to / so as to send an / chat to a friend / check his bank account.
CRÉDITOS Slides 1 e 2: W.jpg Slide 3: Slide 4: Slide 6: Slide 7: Slide 9: Slide 11: Slide 12: Slide 13: SWAN, Michael. Practical English Usage. 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: OUP,