You Name: Yuan Miguel Class Period: Period 5 Subject of Biography: Bill Gates Title of Book: Up Close: Bill Gates Author: Marc Aronson
facebook Bill Is the Chairman of Microsoft and currently lives in Medina, WA. He lives with Melinda Gates and three children. Medina, WA WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. Just finished Harvard where I left off when I left to work on Microsoft. I graduated and even got a honorary Just married my new wife Melinda and we now have three children. I just got Hodgkin’s disease. you’re on your own, I’m leaving Microsoft. Just bought the rights to a operating system called “DOS”. Microsoft and I just modified it and renamed it MS-DOS. #nerd Moved Microsoft from MITS headquarters to Belleuve, Wash, a suburb of my hometown in Seattle. #Reunion 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 1,256 FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers
View My Profile Page ,256 TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. Just called MITS, the maker of the world’s first personal computer, and I offered to develop software for their MITS Altair computer. They accepted. #gettingpaid Just entered Harvard as a pre law major or undergraduate. Passed the university’s most rigorous mathematics and computer science course. #easy Just Made my new best friend, Bill Gates at Lakeside. #bff My parents just enrolled me into Lakeside School, an exclusive private school in Seattle. I got born in 1955 in Seattle. 2 1 RETWEETS Paul and I, Bill Gates, just officially registered the trademark Microsoft! We officially have our own company now! #official Microsoft’s year end sales reached over $1 million dollars! #makingbigones Expand Tweets Compose new PrPromoted Follow Who to Follow Refresh View All Browse Categories Find Friends Trends Change #Microsoft Promoted EducationIsMyLife #1955Computers School Harvard