Watch the video you missed in assembly. If you wish to join then please get a flyer from Ms Shackley in the Post 16 study area.
5 minute challenge! Who? What? Why? Where? When? Answer as many as you can
Have you guessed what the link is yet? Nina Simone Benazir Bhutto Gandhi Margaret Thatcher
The link… Your task is to produce a presentation for an assembly to show to the Year 12 cohort. You can present in a variety of ways: PowerPoint, posters, film etc. The link… Your task is to produce a presentation for an assembly to show to the Year 12 cohort. You can present in a variety of ways: PowerPoint, posters, film etc. LO: To critique the role of a historical figure played in changing society (locally, nationally and globally).
The process: three Rs Researching ReferencingReviewing
What things can you use to research? Quick guide on how you research What do you need to do when researching? What do you need to avoid? How many can you get in 1 minute?
Examples of how to reference What must you include?
Examples of how to reference What must you include?
What did we miss today? What do you need to do for next week?
LO: To make a judgement on what constitutes a good presentation. You are the judge!
How would you rate the following: What makes a good review? In a pair, think of what grading criteria you would use on these presentations. Grade your work. Be honest!
Reflection What Went Well Even Better If