Diagnosis of the situation of women remaining outside the labour market in Podlaskie province
Introduction The study, "Diagnosis of the situation of women remaining outside the labour market in the province of Podlaskie " was conducted on request of the Regional Labour Office in Białystok by General Projekt Ltd. based in Olsztyn within the framework of the project "Podlaskie Social Policy Observatory" co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Human Capital Operational Programme , Action 7.2 Preventing exclusion and strengthening the social economy sector, Subaction Professional and social mobilization of people at risk of social exclusion
diagnosis of the situation of women remaining outside the labour market in the Podlaskie province Objective of the study gaining a deeper diagnosis of the demographic and socio-economic situation of women remaining outside the labour market in the Podlaskie province, identifying factors that accelerate and facilitate the return of women to the labour market, identification of barriers to labour force participation of women outside the labour market, identifying the educational needs, training and other forms of improving skills among women outside the labour market in the Podlaskie province, evaluating the use of flexible forms of employment to restore women to the labour market, identifying employers for whom the use of flexible forms of employment in relation to the employment of women would be particularly beneficial, Detailed objective of the study :
Women remaining outside the labour market women of working age (up to 60 years of age) who did not have employment at the time of the survey. the study population consisted of women both registered as unemployed at the employment office and economically inactive, i.e. those not seeking work or looking for it unsystematically and / or on their own. Definition
Research Methodology study was conducted with the use of techniques: SECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS, PAPER AND PENCIL INTERVIEWS : 662 women outside the labour market, COMPUTER ASSISTED TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS : 398 employers running businesses in the region of Podlasie, I NDYWIDUAL IN - DEPTH INTERVIEWS (IDI): representatives of 11 institutions / organizations / associations related to the problems of women remaining outside the labour market.
Working population in Podlaskie province over the period [in thousands] Source: own study based on CSO data, the Local Data Bank - Labour Market - Labour Force Survey (average annual data),
Number of unemployed people in Podlaskie province in years [in thousands] Source: own study based on CSO data, the Local Data Bank - Labour Market - Labour Force Survey (average annual data),
Number of economically inactive people in Podlaskie province in years [in thousands] Source: own study based on CSO data, the Local Data Bank - Labour Market - Labour Force Survey (average annual data),
The employment rate for men and women in Podlaskie province by gender in the years [%] Source: own study based on CSO data, the Local Data Bank - Labour Market - Labour Force Survey (average annual data),
The unemployment rate for men and women in Podlaskie province by gender in the years [%]
The results of a quantitative study among women remaining outside the labour market
Charakterystic of the studied population of women
Charakteristic of the studied population of women – cont.
Sources of income in respondents' household [%]
The average monthly income (net) per person in the respondent's household [%]
The economic situation in respondents' families
Professional experience of studied women Previous paid employment taken up by respondents
Professional experience of studied women – cont.
Facilities for women who are mothers, which were available in workplaces, in which respondents were employed [%]
The reasons for loss of employment [%]
Duration of the unemployment / economical inactivity [%]
Performing paid odd jobs Frequently performed odd jobs : housekeeping / cleaning, home-based work/ handicrafts, babysitting / childcare, Seasonal work with crops / horticulture, older people care, eyelash extensions, doing fingernails, production of fake jewellery, tailoring services.
Main reasons for remaining outside the labour market for women included in the study
Factors constituting major impediment in careers of the respondents [%]
Factors constituting major impediment in careers of the respondents [%] - cont.
Opinions of the respondents regarding the perception of the role of women as mothers and their employee features in comparison to the work of men. Assertions that respondents agree with.
Opinions of the respondents regarding the perception of the role of women as mothers and their employee features in comparison to the work of men. Assertions that respondents disagree with.
Factors that help women return to the labour market [%]
Factors that help women return to the labour market [%] - Cont.
Reasons for not taking employment by the respondents [%]
Reasons for taking employment by the respondents [%]
Current search for job [%]
Job search methods [%]
The frequency of job search [%]
Abilities of the respondents in terms of the job search and preparation for an interview [%]
Assessment of one's professional qualifications and language skills
Willingness to continue education to increase employment opportunities [%]
Declarations of women concerning further education [%] Most frequently indicated field / course where women may be willing to continue their education: - Education,- English, - Management and marketing,- German, - Cosmetology,- Hairdressing, - Administration
Willingness to participate in vocational training to improve or supplement professional qualifications [%] Most popular subject areas of trainings indicated by women in the study: - Accounting, - health and beauty, - Computer course - tourism, - Make up / styling - Hairdresser / Stylist, - Trade.
Flexible forms of employment
Assessment of flexible forms of employment as help measures in restoring women to the labour market
The most important benefits resulting from employment under flexible forms of work [%]
Forms of support provided to women remaining outside the labour market
Forms of support from which women benefited [%]
Evaluation of the obtained support
The results of a quantitative survey conducted among employers in Podlasie
Characteristics of the studied employers population
Characteristics of the studied employers population - cont.
Employers' Preferences
Preferences of employers for hiring candidates of particular gender according to line of business [%]
Employers' opinions on the relationship between the gender of workers and the possession of certain characteristics [%]
Reasons for objections against employing women [%]
Evaluation of qualification of women and men at the same positions [%]
Evaluation of effectiveness of women and men at the same positions [%]
Facilities for mothers present in the companies[%]
Facilities for women vs. the company's operations
The use of flexible forms of employment in relation to women
The benefits arising from the use of flexible forms of employment [%]
The results of the qualitative research among institutions, organizations, associations related in their activities to the problems of women remaining outside the labor market
Reasons for difficulties and needs of women remaining outside the labor market 1.The reasons for the difficult situation of women in the labor market: - lack of motivation among women to change their social and professional situation - low self-esteem, - negative mental attitude to change, lack of confidence, fear of challenges, - lack of qualifications that would ensure good position in the labor market, - reluctance to retrain, - "Addiction to welfare" - lack of activity and the desire to change their work situation, - problem of child care, barriers connected with access to state nurseries and kindergartens. 2.The needs of women remaining outside the labor market: - assistance in finding employment and seeking vocational training, help in developing resumes and cover letters, as well as in starting their own business and guidance in this area, - Specialist support: psychologist, guidance counselor, animator of free time - financial and material support (usually in the form of food, school supplies and clothing). Ideas for supporting the women remaining outside the labor market: creating a system providing various types of assistance meetings / consultations with the "Women of Success" (economically active)
The image of women remaining outside the labor market - A comparative analysis
Family situation of the studied women UNEMPLOYED WOMEN ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN Number of people in the household usually four people, sometimes three people Number of childrenmostly two children Looking after a child up to 6 years women with children under 6 years of age usually look after them themselves Distribution of household chores mostly household chores are done by a woman, housemates help occasionally
The financial situation of the studied women UNEMPLOYED WOMENECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN source of income in the household earnings from work or running own business Average income the average monthly income per person (net) in the household is PLN the average monthly income per person (net) in the household is PLN Sufficiency of incomemostly "rather not" Assessment of the total financial situation mostly "bad" Assessment of the financial situation after losing the job Most often "rather deteriorated", less often "definitely deteriorated" Most often "rather deteriorated"
Using the means of support by the studied women UNEMPLOYED WOMEN ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN Using the support provided to women who remain outside the labor market one in two women benefited from this kind of support one in five women benefited from this kind of support Forms of support used Most often training in job searching skills, financial assistance, counseling for women, vocational training Most often financial assistance
Career of the studied women UNEMPLOYED WOMENECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN Taking up paid work anytime before. Usually yes Seniorityon average 9 yearson average 10 years - types of employment contracts most often employment contract for an indefinite time, slightly less often mandatory contract most often contract and fixed-term employment contract PositionSerial employee Size of the company: most small business, employing workers Reason for job loss mostly not dependent on the employer mostly not dependent on the employer, less often based on own decision to leave the job Duration of unemploymenton average approximately 2.5 yearson average approximately 3.5 years Taking up odd jobsusually not Nature of odd jobs cleaning, house help, childcare / babysitting cleaning, house help, home-based work, handicraft
Professional activity of the studied women UNEMPLOYED WOMENECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN NO EMPLOYMENT The reasons for remaining unemployed most often difficult situation on the labor market, long and fruitless job search DIFFICULTIES IN PROFFESIONAL LIFE Barriers impeding finding employment usually a lot of competition among job seekers, less often having a child / children usually a lot of competition among job seekers, less often small number of job offers in the local / regional market Help in finding work Expected support to find a job most often participating in trainings improving / supplementing qualifications, less often flexible forms of employment most often participating in trainings improving / supplementing qualifications, less often greater involvement of husband / partner in domestic chores / childcare Preferred strategies to help change the occupational situation activepassive
Professional activity of the studied women - cont. UNEMPLOYED WOMENECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN WILLINGNESS TO TAKE UP A JOB The desire to take up employment at the moment yesNo Reasons for willingness to take up employment at the moment the desire to make money to financially support the family, less often desire for professional development the desire to make money to financially support the family, less often financial independence from a husband / partner and other family members The reasons for the lack of desire to take up employment getting satisfaction from looking after the house and children the desire to have a lot of free time for themselves, less often getting satisfaction from looking after the house and children EXPECTATIONS FROM WORK Number of hoursusually 8 hours, less often 7hmostly 8h Line of businessmost often trade and servicesMost often public administration Contract most often contract of employment for a definite time, followed by an indefinite time contract and mandatory agreement most often contract employment for a definite time, followed by an indefinite time contract and the contract of employment for a probationary period Positionmostly cashier / salesperson mostly cashier / salesperson, less often no specific plans
Studied women's search for employment UNEMPLOYED WOMEN ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN Methodsusually through the labour officemost often by family, friends The frequency of job search usually two or three times a month Possessed skills in the field of job search Most often searching job ads and choosing according to own education and skills usually analysing own skills, interests and the ability to increase employability Assessment of own ability to seek employment mostly "rather low"
Education and training needs of women remaining outside the labor market UNEMPLOYED WOMEN ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN The assessment of possessed professional qualifications mostly poor The assessment of language skillsusually at a moderate leveloften at a low level Willingness to continue educationMostly yesmostly not Level of educationmostl higher education Major / field of educationmostly foreign languages mostly education, less often foreign languages Willingness to participate in vocational training mostly "rather yes"mostly "rather not" The subject of vocational training mostly accounting, less often IT science / computer course mostly accounting / bookkeeping, less often health and beauty
Flexible forms of employment UNEMPLOYED WOMEN ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN Willingness to work in this formusually "yes"usually "no" or "I don't know" Preferences regarding various types of employment most often civil law agreement, less often part-time employment and term jobs mostly telework Key benefits for such employment most often ability to combine work with parental responsibilities / home
Targeted support for women remaining outside the labor market UNEMPLOYED WOMEN ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE WOMEN Using any form of support usually every second respondentusually every fifth respondent Used forms of support mostly training in job searching skills mostly financial assistance Evaluation of obtained support in terms of needs and expectations mostly at a medium level Evaluation of obtained support in terms of measurable effects. usually at a medium leveloften at a low level Assessment of the adequacy of the obtained support in terms of needs of women remaining outside the labor market often "don't know, haven't thought about it"
The main conclusions of the study The main problems faced by women remaining outside the labor market in Podlaskie province are: relatively small number of jobs in total, high levels of economic inactivity among women women's low flexibility to adapt to the conditions of the labor market, due to the obligations arising from the traditional social role of women, employers are not adjusted to flexible employment for women limited institutional support, low self-esteem of women remaining outside the labor market. The increase in women's proffesional activity is conditioned by many factors, which can be classified as follows: external factors independent from women remaining outside the labor market : the local labor market conditions, the attitude of employers towards the employment of women, the availability of job offers, flexible forms of employment, conditions of commuting, internal factors on which women remaining outside the labor market have an influence : family considerations, the division of household duties, education of children and the factors associated with self-esteem and professional aspirations.
Recommendations resulting from the study I.The improvement of the situation on the regional labor market in terms of the supply of workplaces II.Focusing on the active help for women remaining outside the labor market for a long time III. Breaking stereotypes regarding public perception of the role of women IV. Promotion of flexible employment for women among employers V.Extension of institutional aid VI. Raising self-esteem and self-awareness by means of career
Thank you! Department of Market Research General Projekt Ltd.