How to do a Two Column Journal Please print this slide show as a handout, follow the directions in creating your Two Column Journal, and staple the handout to the back of your assignment.
Formatting Your Paper First, divide the paper into two columns. Label the column on the left “Note- Taking” and the column on the right “Note-Making.” Put your name, teacher’s name, class name, date and period, assignment number and title in MLA format. The following slide shows which information goes into each column.
“Write down an important passage from the story or essay” (author’s last name page). Respond to Note-Taking by one of the following: Note-Taking Note-Making Note-Taking entries must be direct citations Each entry must be at least two sentences long Connecting entry to your life Connecting entry to events at school, hometown, state, country, or the world Expressing your feelings to the entry. Do you agree? Disagree? Was it funny? Touching? etc. Asking a question about the entry. Leave space to answer it when you discover the answer? Making a comparison to the entry with other stories, TV shows, movies, songs, etc. Making a comparison to any of the above by creating an original simile or metaphor All Note-Making Entries are 10 Words or more
Guidelines Every note-taking entry must have a note-making entry or no credit is received Must be neatly written or typed or no credit received Number all of your entries Entries must line up across the page
Example of How to Do a Two Column Journal Note-Taking 1)“Loyalists wishing to remain faithful to the mother country complied with the new taxes and other regulations” (Purves 154). 2) “In the late 1780’s, the newly formed United States drafted a Constitution to structure it’s government and guarantee the rights of it’s citizens” (154). Note-Making 1)Even though it is not stated in the passage, this implies that those who were not loyal, did not pay taxes or comply with any other regulations. This would probably anger the ruler of Great Britain. 2)The constitution was drafted almost 220 years ago, and it still manages to do a very good job of setting rules and guidelines, checks and balances, for our government to operate by. I think it is a magnificent piece of work, and it must have taken serious thought for it to be written so well that it’s words could still be effective 220 years later. Christine Ortiz Mr. Jeffrey English III-P, Period 6 31 March 2008 Assignment 37: Two-Column Journal 6: “Becoming America,” Pages (Click on the dude above for an on-line Two Column Journal example)
How to Grade a Two Column Journal
1. Each double entry is worth the amount of points noted in the chart on the next slide. 2. If the Note-taking side is cited incorrectly, only ¾ credit earned for that entry. 3. If the Note-making side is less than 10 words, only ¾ credit is earned for that entry. 4. If both Note-taking and Note-making entries are incorrectly formatted, only ½ credit is earned. 5. If Note-taking, Note-making entries do not line up across the page, multiply total score by After totaling the score, write a two sentence evaluation focusing on what you did well according to the standards of comprehension, analysis, and evaluation for your subject. Scoring Guidelines
Scoring Chart Entries Points ¾ Pts ½ Pts (based on 100 points)
Printing Directions 1. On the tool bar, click on “File,” click on “Print.” 2. In the “Print” dialogue box, in the lower left corner under “Print What,” click on the drop down arrow and select “Handouts.” 3. Then, under “Color/Grayscale,” select the best on for your printer. 4. Next, under “Handouts,” click on “Slides per Page,” and choose “9.” 5. Lastly, click on “OK,” and the file will print.