RESULTS November 2012 Caldbeck Surgery “Repeat Medication” Patient Questionnaire
Question 1. How do our Patients usually request their repeat medications? 73 Responses in Total The most preferred method (52%) was to speak to an individual: dispenser or receptionist on the telephone or in person Patients (30%) used the dispensary answerphone Least favourite method (8%) was hand paper to receptionist or order online Methods not used at all – post and surgery letterbox
Question 2. Were our Patients aware they could request repeat medication using the dispensary answer phone or online via our website? 67 Responses in Total 74% said they were aware of the dispensary answer phone for ordering medications compared with 34% aware of on-line ordering via the Surgery website Only 25% did not know about the dispensary answer phone compared with 66% who did not know about on- line ordering via the Surgery website Some patients said they preferred to speak to someone, especially about personal matters such as ordering colostomy supplies Some patients said they would not be able to access the Surgery website or order on line because they did not have a computer
Question 3: Total Patients Surveyed = 70 Of which 56 (80%) asked if they were a dispensing patient 53=Yes (95%), 1=No (1.7%), 1=Not sure (1.7%), 1=No Response (1.7%) Question 4: Do our Patients know about the Home delivery Service / would they use it? What time of day is best for deliveries? Reasons given for not using Home Delivery Service were: capable of collecting – not housebound, live near by, can drive, no one at home, work on Wednesdays Majority of patients using the service preferred morning deliveries
Question 5 a/b How our Patients feel about the current medication process
Question 5 c/d How our Patients feel about the current medication process
Question 6: How our Patients suggest we can improve the repeat medication process for them Synchronize prescriptions so that all repeat medications (28 day supply) due at the same time – to avoid having to make more than one trip to Surgery / month to collect medications Speed up Service – 48 hours too long to wait Go back to bi-monthly collection Return to issuing 2 month supply of medication at a time Include Alcohol (used medicinally) on prescription Continue to make option available of being able to speak to a person regarding re-ordering medications, especially around personal issues such as ordering colostomy supplies
CONCLUSION - Our patients say: “We have an excellent system” “If medications are not in stock – they are reordered and arrive quickly” “This is the best process they have benefited from” “Happy with the service as it is...” But what do you say? – From these results, where do you see that we can still improve?