Focus On Grammar Book 2, 5 th edition Lesson 14: Articles Other/Another Indefinite Pronouns
ARTICLES Rule #1 use THE for Specific, Known nouns, both Singular and Plural – I have the pen. – I have the pens. Rule #2 Every Singular Count Noun must have an article or other determiner. – I have a pen. [my pen], [this pen]
4.1 Over view SingularPluralNon-Count Indefinite / General A / AN øø Definite / Specific THE
14.2… BE to Identify?? Ok. This is easy.
14.3 First Mention First Mention Rule? First time, use a/an or ø, then use THE after that. – Because the first time, you don’t know which one, but later, you are referring to the same one. ?Some and Any? Not needed, but nice. – Some for positive – Any for negative and questions.
14.4 – The Author and reader know which one(s) – The teacher, the class, the students Only one – The world, The moon, The sun, (The) stars – The first, The last, The biggest (superlatives – The left, the right, With an identifying phrase or clause. – The students in this class. – The book that I bought.
Generalizations These are NOT SPECIFIC, so don’t use THE Use A/AN for singular Use nothing (ø) for plural.
14.6 – “Of the” Keep it simple for the general statements – Most students want homework. Use “of the plurals” with a specific group named with a phrase or clause – Most of the students in this class want homework. – Some of the teachers that I know give homework.
14.7 Another and Other When you need the idea of “other(s)”, like, “not this/these one(s)” follow the same rules. – The for specific singular and plural the other pens, the other pen, the other water – Ø for general plural and non-count Other pens, (some) other water – a/an for general singular Another pen – As PRONOUNS: He has the other / the others / another
Pronouns This one and the other one. These ones and the other ones. This one and the other. These ones and the others. MY, THIS, SOME, ANY etc. take the place of the article. “Another” can mean “one more”
14.9 – Pronouns I, you, He, Him, She, Her, They, Them, and all pronouns assume you know which one(s), so they are used for SPECIFIC references. (Like THE) For general references, use – Singular count ONE – Plural and non-count SOME = yes ANY = no, questions (ONES)