PASTEURIZED: milk that is heat treated to kill any bacteria HOMOGENIZED: milkfat has been broken into tiny globules and mixed permanently with the milk. Milk and cream will not separate RAW MILK: milk that is not pasteurized. It may contain harmful bacteria
*SKIM/LOWFAT: % milkfat *NONFAT DRY MILK: powdered form, removes most of fat and water from milk *EVAPORATED: milk with half the water removed. Sealed in cans Use in place of cream, or add water to use as milk
*CONDENSED: concentrated milk with sugar added. It is very thick and sweet, used for candy and desserts. *GOAT’S MILK: used by people with allergies to cow’s milk *YOGURT: custard-like product made by fermenting milk with a special bacteria culture.
PROTEIN CALCIUM VITAMINS A AND D FAT ( amt. varies with milk)
*Low temperatures/short cooking time Scorching: milk solids settle on the bottom of pan, milk turns brown, develops off flavor Scalded: heat milk just below boiling Curdling: to separate milk into liquid and small lumps (too high heat, or add acid) Scum: milk solids and fats form a film on top of milk as it cooks (stir to prevent)