W HEN I G ROW U P By: Brynden
W HEN I GROW UP … When I grow up I want to be an NBA player. NBA players play basketball on one out of thirty-two teams for spectators entertainment.
ProsCons Good workout Good pay Fun Traveling Challenging Hard work Injury chance Long hours Staying in shape
M ATH N EEDED In the NBA you need math a lot. Whether it’s stats, salary, injury costs, profits of joining a team, or expenses. NBA players typically need to have a high school diploma or equivalent. They must have extensive knowledge of the way the sport is played especially its rules, regulations, and strategies.
S ALARY When in the NBA you need to know your salary and contracts. In the NBA the average monthly salary is $429,167 leaving the hourly salary at about $596.
J OB S TATS AND F UTURE O UTLOOK The ages at which one makes it in the NBA varies. Players who make the jump from college to the NBA is 1.3% of people. The percent of people who make it to the NBA from high school is.03% of people. If you stay healthy you can keep on playing in the NBA.