Stöckli Distribution Norway An opportunity for mutual benefit..
Starting point Stöckli is a leading brand for high quality skis, that deserve market position in Norway. Stöckli is currently sold in Norway through a distributor in Sweden. Stöckli has great potential to expand in Norway. SportAgile has solid sales experience from the sporting good industry and has the ambition to distribute leading brands. An opportunity for mutual benefit and sucess!!
SportAgile AS A recently established company with good knowledge about the ski market in Norway Located in Oslo Currently distributor for Kettler, Vist, XO2 and Screamer hats. Opperate as an agent for Dainese products
SportAgile AS - Organization Halvor Langslet Erik Mathisen Pål D. Andersen Mngt/Sales Halvor Langslet Service/after sales Halvor Langslet Jostein Langslet Admin/Logistics Annika Creutzer Halvor Langslet Board of Directors: Strategic Development Finance/cash planning Network/contacts Management: Sales key accounts Product management Maint & service: In store training Activities & clinics Logistics: Accounting Customer service Distribution
The People Halvor Langslet Age 31 Education: University of sports and science 4 years. Experience Alpine coach 10 y 2 years service and coach WC men US skiteam. Salesrep for Marker, Tecnica, Völkl 2,5 years Extensive mechanical skills Jostein Langslet Age 25 Education: University of trade and economics. Experience Worked in sport shop for 12 years, with responsibility for the ski dep. Extensive mechanical skills Erik Mathisen Age 51 Education: MBA NHH. MBA Univ. of Oregon Experience 10 years general manager Nike Norway. 3 years general manager Nike Spain/Portugal. 1.year general manager Nike Europe. Currently consultant. Pål D. Andersen Age 33 Education MBA from Univ. of Colorado USA 6 y. Experience Key account manager in Telenor 4 years. Big passion for skis and also coaching experience. Former racer. Annika Creutzer Age 33 Education University of Sports and Science 5 years Experience Worked as a salesrep for Rossignol for 1 year and O`Neill for 2 years.
SWOT Strengths: Small, but very competent and enthusiastic team. Located in Oslo close to ski-resorts and key accounts. Flexible, cost efficient organization. Strong network/contacts within trade Strong and proven sales skills In-house mechanical skills Access to key resources Weaknesses: New company/no track record Relatively limited capital base Opportunities: Channel segmentation Differentiation through service and good education on prod. Differentiation through follow- up and clinics on snow. Threats: Buying groups putting pressure on prizes through international agreements. Risk of pricing margins not allowing necessary investments.
The Ski Market A ski boom has taken place in recent years. More and more people are investing in high end products. Sport shops are putting more energy and money into the ski department. Market share of specialty ski stores selling high end skis has significantly increased over the last few years. Participation in outdoor activity, such as alpine skiing is also increasing significantly. Relative share of high end skis is expected to increase further. The total market is about pairs A huge market opportunity is emerging as new consumers want to have access to high end skis
Retail Environment Buying group domination, but specialty stores are increasing Huge pressure on prices/margins Lack of knowledge at retail Few entities with professional business model A challenge to compete on product/price – critical to be cost- efficient, to excel on service and to differentiate Stöckli from other brands in-store.
The Competition RAMO: The biggest supplier today. Atomic and Nordica skis. Are distributing at all levels and are working with all the big buying groups in Norway. They have no differentiation. Large share of the racing market. BIOS: The Rossignol distributor. Also working with all the buying groups. No differentiation. Large share of the racing market. FINOR: The Fischer distributor. Same as RAMO and BIOS. Big on racing. SPORT SENSATION: The Dynastar distributor. Working with 3 big groups. XXL, NKL, and Anton Sport. High end ski shops. PETER HOLM AGENTURER: Blizzard supplier. Working with 3 groups. Sport 1, Sport 25 and MX sport. TENDENZER: Völkl supplier. Same distribution philosophy as Blizzard. Also working towards high end ski shops. Big on racing SALOMON: Selling to all buying groups. They are loosing their market position at the moment. Are not doing anything with the racing market. An obvious opportunity to increase the market share for Stöckli.
Key Strategies Build strong in-house competence in sales and service. Apply a well-defined distribution and segmentation strategy, with strong focus on key accounts in phase one. Focus on building relationship based on in-store presence and unique service. Be more on snow to let end consumer test and see the products.
Distribution Targets – to be discussed Key Accounts Specialty Stores Distribution philosophy will be based on a clear segmentation of the market, and with focus on quality stores. Focus year one will be to develop a strong relationship with key accounts. Focus also in year one on mountain shops on the biggest ski resorts in Norway