Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 1 Create an IPO Special bid in an APM world
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 2 IPO Special bid request Please check –Which Distributor I’m buying this deal from? –Is the EC quote created in this Distributor’s Sub – Region? –Partner on quote and Opportunity must be the same! –When buying through Distribution you must have a “t2 quote” –Distributor and Reseller must be on the quote output report –What is the EC QRN (quote reference number) ? –Is the quote in a “ready to order status” and “shared”? Before you start creating a special bid request
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 3 IPO Special bid request Examples how to check Reseller 123r EC: Quote Center Page: EC: Quote output report: Only if both Distributor and Reseller are on the header of the quote output report, the quote can be used for in a tier 2 Special bid request
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 4 IPO Special bid request Login to PRM and look for the correct Opportunity –Use the generic SMEC Special Bid Opportunities –These have been created for each Partner – Distributor relationship – Open the Opportunity with the correct Distributor –Via double click on the Opportunity Name –Enter the Opportunity # in the search field –Use the View “FY14 SMEC Special Bid Opportunities” Before you start creating a special bid request 1 1 Open the Opportuntiy with the appropriate Distributor The Opportunity Name will contain the Distributor and the Reseller Name
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 5 IPO Special bid request Visibility to the generic Opportunity is given automatically to –Users with a PRM Profile of “PRM Admin” or “PRM Admin –Channel Sales Lead If you don’t have access to this generic Opportunities –Contact the BP Helpdesk and ask to be added to the Opportunity sharing Before you start creating a special bid request
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 6 Handing over the Special bid to the Distributor – if Distributor rejects the Special bid request –The status will change to “Rejected by Distributor” and a rejection comment will be provided – If Distributor approves the Special bid request, and hands this over to Avaya –The status will change to “Send for endorsement” –The Owner will change to the Avaya Sales person who needs to endorse IPO Special bid request Creation of an IPO Special Bid 1 If Disributor rejects -Status = Rejected by Distributor -Rejection comments are required If Disributor processes bid -Click [Send for Endorsement] button -[Request Status] updates to Send for Endorsement 2 1 2
Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 7 IPO Special bid request Automated notifications throughout the special bid process will be send to the requestor of the special bid as well as to the Distributor –Confirmation notifications –Reminder notifications –Status change notifications Approval notification will be sent to the Distributor only Creation of an IPO Special bid