PAN EUROPEAN RESEARCH NETWORKING JISC Committee for networking 29 April 2002 Matthew Scott - Commercial Manager DANTE
DANTE- Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Founded in 1993 by NRENs as a not for profit organisation NRENs are shareholders and customers (except in UK where roles are split: HEFCE and UKERNA) Builds and manages the network that provides Pan european connectivity for 27 NRENs, serving over 3000 research centres across Europe Also connects to other regional research communities across the world.
Introduction to GÉANT: The latest Pan European network New network launched December 2001 after: –9 month tender process –6 month implementation and migration from old network Now connects 31 countries in Europe –7 new countries connected –20 X more bandwidth
GÉANT Gigabit Connectivity (possibly 2.5 Gbps) Geographic Expansion/Global access Guaranteed Quality of Service Objectives (pre tender) Technical/commercial Environment 10 Gb connectivity largely untried outside labs Huge investment in infrastructure by Telcos Competition in market varied greatly
Effect of deregulation
Pan European Network History IXI EUROPANET EUROPANET TEN TEN GEANT Trunk network capacity (KBps)
Pan european Network History- logarithmic scale ,00010,000100,0001,000,00010,000,000 IXI EUROPANET EUROPANET TEN TEN GEANT KBps
GEANT backbone topology March 2002
GÉANT - Capacities Network Gbps = 90 GBps Network 2.5 Gbps = 30 GBps Other Capacities = 3 Gbps Total Network Capacity =123 GBps Subscribed access Capacity = 32 GBps
GÉANT Backbone Access Speeds
How much does a Pan european network cost?
How is GEANT funded? NRENS subscriptions pay for 100% of total costs incurred by DANTE EC pay 50% of allowable costs claimed by DANTE to DANTE NRENS then receive from DANTE approx 50% credit on their paid subscriptions
Geographic expansion New connectivity planned for Malta and Croatia Regional Balkan network under consideration Other feasibility studies now underway: –EUMEDCONNECT- 12 mediterranean/N African NRENs –CAESAR - connecting to South American NRENs
Global Connectivity European Distributed Access Connectivity to North American research organisations –2 x 2.5 Gbps from January 2002 –Discussions with North America about reciprocal connectivity (paid for by US/Canada)
Guaranteed Quality of Service Objective is end-to-end QoS by combinations of edge to edge QoS ‘IP premium’ guarantees bandwidth,delay,loss etc using mainly Diffserve techniques VPN service suitable for IPv6 and other testbeds/GRIDS etc NREN University NREN University GEANT
Thank you for your attention Matthew Scott - Commercial Manager DANTE