What: To use a digital camera to take pictures through a spotting scope Who: Douglas Bolt When: Oct. 20, 2004 Where: MBC Meeting, Oct 20, 2004 Why: for FUN! Digiscoping
Equipment Digital camera Spotting scope Tripod & Head Way to attachment camera to scope
Camera, Factors to Consider 4 or more megapixels Ability to tilt LCD Can be attached to scope. Lens that does not move while zooming camera. Nikon 4500
Scope Large objective to gather light Wide-angle eyepiece Zoom not necessary Better glass yields better pics Angled vs. Straight
Attachment Devices Join camera to scope to minimize vibrations. Allow camera to be quickly attached to scope. London Camera Exchange (LCE) 28mm adapter
Tripod & Head Minimize vibrations. Sturdy & maneuverable Minimize “droop” due to attached camera.
Other Useful Toys Shutter release, cable – homemade or purchased Shutter release, remote – Digisnap Timed shutter release – 3 sec or more Focusing aids – 2x or 3x loupe Battery pack – Digiscoping = big battery drain
Shutter Release – Cable Very helpful, especially for folks with shaky fingers. Can be easily home made.
Focus Aids Very helpful if you don’t use the camera’s auto-focus capabilities.
Useful Links on the Web (digiscoping-LCE.htm)digiscoping-LCE.htm nt.htm (Digiscoping.htm)Digiscoping.htm (~ 2,500 mm focal length)~ 2,500 mm focal length Google – “digiscope” yielded 59,600 hits!
Essential Subscriptions birds/ (Digiscopingbirds)Digiscopingbirds (Bird-Pix)Bird-Pix
Post Processing- Photo Editing Paint Shop Pro Photoshop CS or Photoshop Elements Others Before After
Post Processing – Thumbnails Arles Image Page Creator Thumbnail Generator AC/DC Others
Let’s See How It All Works!
Digiscoping - Limitations Equipment not very portable Limited image quality Birds in flight Shutter lag
Shutter Lag Shutter was snapped at 10 sec past.