College Community English Language Learners Board Report
E. L. L. Staff Michael Beecher Prairie Heights Elementary Renee Levi Prairie View Elementary Nikki Shearer Prairie Creek and Prairie Point Amy Miner Prairie Creek and Prairie High School
E. L. L. Mission The mission of the ELL program is to foster an engaging, multicultural learning environment where students develop academic and social language and cultural competency.
Who Do We Serve? CCSD ELL program started in 2006 (9 th year) Students range from newcomer to transitioning out of the ELL program Monitored and exited with I-ELDA test, MAP, IA assessments, and teacher input
Countries Represented In College Community
ELL Population at College Community
Born in US vs Other Country
Comparison of Area Districts
LAU PLAN LAU Plan-Every district in the state has to have a LAU plan (ELL plan) even if there are no ELL students in the district. Support from stakeholders to develop the LAU plan. (Ying and Grant Wood AEA representatives) Access is on the website and can be translated into a variety of languages.
LAU PLAN… Every year we have an ELL evaluation plan in May (Stakeholder meeting) to comply with state guidelines. PD: ELL teams offer a variety of PD days to district staff to enhance the instruction in the mainstream classroom and increase ELL awareness. - The ELL teachers have taught SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) to a variety of teachers in and outside of our district. We have all had many student teachers and/or practicum students.
LAU Plan Components: Screening process-home language survey. TELPA, I-ELDA Program Definition: co-teaching, SIOP training, pull-out model, program is designed on individual and building needs. We teach reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Based on common core and ELL standards. Consult special education and TAG teachers to determine eligibility. Actively involved with GEI and MTSS process. and use of paid interpreters
Changes/Celebrations 100% Student Conferences Scheduled-Changed to family conferences for Took the highest number of mainstream teachers to the Our Kids ELL conference in Waukee, IA this past June and to the ICLC conference in Nov Worked with Craig Barnum and Sheri Schulte to create the most up-to-date ELL roster to comply with state guidelines. Tripled our interpreter list in one year’s time. Thank you to Kathy Waychoff for getting this started.