Speech analysis with Praat Paul Trilsbeek DoBeS training course June 2007
Sources used Sidney Wood’s “Praat beginners’ manual” Pascal van Lieshout’s “Praat short tutorial” Links for both on
Outline First half: theoretical overview –What is Praat –General Praat interface –Several kinds of analyses –Creating graphical output Second half: practice –Hands-on experience with some exercises
What is Praat? (1) “Praat” = “speak” (Dutch) “Doing phonetics by computer” Analysis and reconstruction of speech signals Developed by 2 phoneticians from the University of Amsterdam, Paul Boersma and David Weenink
What is Praat? (2) Program running on most operating systems (Windows 95 to XP, Mac OS 9/X, Linux, several kinds of Unix …) Available for free from under GNU General Public License (inc. source code)
General Praat interface Praat objects window –List of praat ‘objects’: sounds, analyzed sounds, synthesized sounds … –Buttons for editing, viewing, applying analyses, etc. Praat picture window –For creating and manipulating graphical output
General Praat interface
Getting help Praat help menu Praat web site (same content) 2 tutorials mentioned before (see praat.org) Praat discussion list
Recording a sound
Loading a sound Long vs. short sound file: memory Extract part Extract segments from annotated long sound
Annotating a sound Create text annotations on different levels Praat objects can be created from segments
Annotating a sound
Praat Edit window Waveform display Segment play buttons Zoom buttons Several other views of analyses –Spectrogram –Pitch analysis –Intensity analysis –Formant analysis –Pulses
Praat Edit window
Spectral analysis Fourier theorem: “any given signal can be constructed by addition of an infinite number of sine waves with specific frequencies, amplitudes and phases”. Fourier analysis: “ finding out the frequencies, amplitudes and phases of these sine waves for a given signal”
Spectral analysis
Spectrogram Spectrum with a third dimension added: time.
Pitch analysis Shows fundamental frequency where one can be detected Not always correct, octave jumps often occur, depending on the quality of the signal. Can be corrected manually.
Pitch analysis
Intensity analysis Shows the intensity contour of a signal
Intensity analysis
Formant analysis Frequency bands with higher acoustic energy caused by resonances in the vocal tract, mouth and nose cavities Different vowels and fricative consonants have different formant structures
Formant analysis
Manipulation Add or delete pulses Modify duration (timing) Modify pitch contour
Picture window Clicking “draw” button will draw graphic into picture window Some modifications can be done in the picture window Text can be added
Picture window
Export picture as EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) for further use in media to be printed. Adobe Illustrator can be used to further edit the EPS file Export picture as Windows Meta File (Windows only) for media to be shown on screen (PowerPoint presentation)
Picture window EPS output:
Picture window WMF output: