West Monmouth School Business Studies Department Business Studies Staff: Head of Department: Mrs N Lewis Business Teacher: Mrs S Parry
Business Courses Offered 2009 BTEC First Business (Certificate & Diploma) (NEW) BTEC First Retail & Fashion (Certificate & Diploma)
BTEC First Diploma Equivalent to 4 GCSEs 10 hours of lessons per fortnight* *All lessons will be based in Computer Suites
BTEC First Certificate Equivalent to 2 GCSEs 5 hours of lessons per fortnight* *All lessons will be based in Computer Suites
BUSINESS STUDIES UnitTitleAssessment 1 Exploring Business PurposesAll Portfolio Based No exams! 2 Customer Relations 3 Investigating Financial Control 4 DIPLOMADIPLOMA Business Communication 5 People in Organisations 6 Starting your own business with Young Enterprise
RETAIL & FASHION UnitTitleAssessment 1 Introduction to Retail ServicesAll Portfolio Based No exams! 2 Retail Selling & Customer Service 3 Fashion 4 DIPLOMADIPLOMA Merchandising and Displays 5 Careers in Retail 6 Advertising and Sales
Trips Trips are an important part of the Business Studies and Retail & Fashion courses. All assignments for the courses are based on real businesses. Here are some of the trips that have been organised in the past few years:
Disneyland Paris
Port Aventura, Barcelona
Clothes Show
Oakwood Park Cineworld London Cadbury’s World and many more…
Any Questions? If anyone would like to have more information, feel free to come and talk to us. We are situated in the Business Suite (next to the quad)