Information Society Technologies 12th Seminar May 2003 National Contact Point FP6 EU New Instruments of 6th Framework Programme in the Information Society Technology Thematic Area Krzysztof Trojanowski National Contact Point 6th Framework Programme EU
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Presentation Plan – Way from General Idea to Details l Main Idea nad Fundamental Rules of FP l Structure of 6th Framework Programme l Thematic Priorities within IST in 6th FP l Types of Projects of 6FP, specific features l Partners, Consortia 6FP l Projects Evaluation Criteria l Search for Partners – IDEAL_IST l Calls in FP6 l Info sources and Contacts
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Research: an Increasing Gap – Need of European Integration within Framework Programmes Japan: 3.1 USA: 2.7 EU-15: 1.8 Total expenditure on R&D, % of GDP
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Research Integration Policy Research Integration Policy
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU FP 6 - Priority Thematic Areas Genomics and biotechnology for health Information society technologies Nanotechnologies, inteligent materials and new production processes Aeronautics and space Food safety and health risks Sustainable development and global change Citizen and governance in the European knowledge-based society
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU FP 6-Priority Thematic Areas - Bugdets: meur Total 2345 Anticipating the EU’s needs + JRC 225 Citizen and governance 1700 Sustainable development/global change 600 Food safety and health risks 1000 Aeronautics and space 1300 Nanotechnologies, materials, production 3625 Information society technologies 2000 Genomics and biotechnology for health
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.1: Genomics and biotechnology for health Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for functional genomics Gene expression and proteomics Structural genomics Comparative genomics and population genetics Bioinformatics Applications of genomics and biotechnology for health Technological platforms for the development of new diagnostic, prevention and therapeutic tools Support for innovative research in genomics start-up companies Applications in medicine and public health Combating cancer, cardiovascular disease and rare diseases Combating resistance to drugs Studying the brain and combating degenerative diseases of the nervous system Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty. HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.2 Information Society technologies Applied IST research addressing major societal and economic challenges Research on technologies for trust and confidence Research addressing societal challenges (“e-inclusion”, environment, cultural heritage) Research addressing work and business challenges: e-business and e- government, e-Work systems, e-Learning Complex problem solving in science, engineering, businesses and for the society Communication and computing infrastructures Communication and network technologies: (mobile and wireless systems, networked audio-visual systems), Software technologies, services and distributed systems Components and microsystems, Micro, Nano and Opto-electronics Micro and Nano Technologies, Microsystems, Displays Knowledge and interface technologies Knowledge technologies and digital content Intelligent surfaces and interfaces (multilingual and multicultural access and communication)
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.3: Nanotechnologies, Intelligent Materials and New Production Processes Nanotechnologies Long-term interdisciplinary research into understanding phenomena, harnessing processes and developing research tools Nanobiotechnologies Nanometre-scale engineering techniques to create materials and components Development of handling and control devices and instruments Applications in areas such as health, chemistry, energy, optics and the environment Intelligent Materials Development of fundamental knowledge Technologies associated with the production and transformation of new materials Engineering support for materials development New Production Processes Development of flexible and intelligent manufacturing systems Systems research hazard control Optimising the life-cycle of industrial systems, products and services
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.4: Aeronautics and space Aeronautics Strengthening competitiveness Improving environmental impact with regard to engine emissions and noise Improving aircraft safety Increasing operational capacity and safety of the air transport system Space Galileo GMES Satellite telecommunications
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Thematic Programme IST: Main Idea and Goals Creation of Information Society Technologies – IST Vision: „Our surroundings is an interface to the world of integrated Information Technology Services Targets: l Enabling anywhere any time natural and enjoyable access to IST services for ALL l Natural way of interaction and co-operation l Life and work quality Improvement, new ways of activity l New standards: products, services, applications, business processes, organization practicies.
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.2 Information Society technologies (1) Applied IST Research Addressing Major Societal and Economic Challenges - Research on technologies for trust and confidence, protection of people and property - Research addressing societal challenges (“e-inclusion”, environment, cultural heritage, entertainment, transport and tourism) - Research addressing work and business challenges: e-business and e- government, e-Work systems, e-Learning - Complex problem solving in science, engineering, businesses and for the society
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.2 Information Society technologies (2) Communication and Computing Infrastructures, Communication and Network Technologies: - Mobile and Wireless Systems - Networked Audio-Visual Systems - Software Technologies - Services and Distributed Systems
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.2 Information Society technologies (3) Miniaturised, Low Cost, Low Power Components and Microsystems - Micro, Nano and Opto-electronics - Micro and Nano Technologies, Microsystems, Displays
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU TP 1.2 Information Society technologies (4) Knowledge and interface technologies - Knowledge Technologies and Digital Content - Intelligent Surfaces and Interfaces (Multilingual and Multicultural Access and Communication)
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Types of Projects 5FP Time innovators early adopters early majority Technology Transfer RTD Commercial Phase Take-up FundamentalIndustrial Prototype Exploitation Maturity RTD, Demonstration, Take-up laggers Demonstration RTD – FET Open
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Nowe Instrumenty (typy projektów) w 6PR Specific Targeted Research Projects - Projekty „Celowe” Integrated Projects (IP) - Projekty Zintegrowane Networks of Excellence (NoE) - Sieci Doskonałości Support Actions (conferences, seminars etc.) Projekty Towarzyszące, Akcje Wspierające Co-ordination Actions – działania koordynujące np.. Sieci Tematyczne
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Types of Projects - 6FP, STREP (1) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREPs) - Clearly defined objectives and results - Budgets (European Contribution): 100 Keuro to several mil. Eur - Consortium : min. 3 independent partners from (member, NAS or NIS) - Cost models : FC/FCF/AC - Duration : 1-4 years - European Contribution : 50% for RTD activities, 35% for Demonstration activities, 100% for management (up to 7% of the total RTD+Dem. EC contribution) The same model as in 5FP (RTD and Demonstration projects)
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Types of Projects - 6FP, IP (1) Integrated Projects - Clearly defined ambitious objectives and results - Budgets (European Contribution): 2 mil. Eur to tens of mil. Euro - Consortium : min. 3 independent partners from different countries (member, NAS or NIS), in practice many more - Cost models : FC/FCF/AC - Duration : 3-5 years or more The new, different model than models of 5FP
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Integrated Projects – FP6, IP(2) Integrated (IP) versus Targeted Projects (STREP) - differecies - IP: knowledge, tests, implementation activities within one project - TP: concentration on one activity - IP: Multidisciplinary objectives (large scale) - TP: concentrated on one strictly defined problem - IP: Multisectorial (research institutes/industry) problem solutions - IP: Funding (public and private sector)
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU FP6 Integrated Project Features, IP(3) Integrated Projects (IP) Open Formula : - IP: Tasks, Partners and Budgets all identified (the same as in FP5) - IP: Tasks and Budgets identified, not all partners in (different than in FP5) - IP: Objectives and Budgets identified, Number of Tasks and Partners can be enlarged (different than in FP5)
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Types of Projects - 6FP, NoE (1) Networks of Excellence - Goal: to enhance the co-operation of researchers around a specific theme - Budgets (European Contribution): few hundred keuro - min. one organisation, in practice many (open structure) - Funding : 100% of AC (Additional Cost), for networking and research activities - Duration : several years To some extend similar to model of 5FP
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU FP6 Networks of Excellence, NoE (2) Networks of Excellence (NoE) – Main Goal: To integrate the fragmented European Research Efforts, existing problem: - national and „local” research fragmentation - „multi coverage” of the same scientific and research area - complementarity of research and scientific efforts To create critical mass to become a competitive force Important: Preparation of Joint Programme of Activity JPA
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU FP6 Networks of Excellence, NoE (3) Networks of Excellence (NoE) – Financing: NoE financing is based on Grant model : Number of researchers engaged on joint programme of activities Grant per researcher Duration of the project
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU FP6 Networks of Excellence, NoE (4) Networks of Excellence (NoE) – Financing: NoE financing on Grant per researcher model, examples : 1) - Number of researchers: 50 - Grant per researcher : 20 kEuro per year per researcher - Grant value per year : 1 mEuro 2) - Number of researchers: Grant per researcher : 10 kEuro per year per researcher - Grant value per year : 5 mEuro
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Types of Projects - 6FP, SA (1) Support Actions (Conferences, Seminars, Studies, Analyses, Working and Expert Group) - Goal: to complement Programme Implementation - Budgets (European Contribution): few hundred keuro - min. one organisation, in practice many (open structure) - Funding : % of costs, or grant, cost model FC/FCF/AC - Duration : several years To some extend similar to model of 5FP
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria : Relevance to IST programme Objectives Scientific and Technological Excellence Critical Mass Dissemination and Use Plan Resources, Competence and Organisation
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Partner Search – Ideal-IST Main Goals of IDEAL-IST: - Active and Passive Partner Search (Building up project consortia) - Organization of Events : workshops, consultancy meetings, brokerage events, conferences - Internet Webpage Management
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Ideal-IST - Contacts IDEAL-IST: Web page : Ideal-IST Polish Co-ordinator : Dr Tadeusz Grabowiecki :Dr Tadeusz Grabowiecki Instytut Elektroniki Politechniki Śląskiej Tel.: (+48) , Fax: (+48) NCP Polish Co-ordinator Krzysztof Trojanowski:
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Fundamental Information and Documents in all Priorities of FP6 Information and documents indispensable for consortium preparing a proposal: - Calls: openning and closure dates (information on NCP web pages and in Cordis data base), document: Call Text - Description of the thematic scope of the particular call (which action lines will be open in the call) document : Call Text - Description of all Action Lines: Work Programme 200x and information which instruments (types of projects) will be valid – the scope of the project must fit to the open topic (action line) described in the workprogramme - Guide documents (requirements, advice) concerning the formal rules and the structure of the project proposal, document: Guide for Proposers of the right instrument (type of project) e.g. Integrated Project - Hierarchy of topics (within the Workprogramme) : In IST of 6FP : Priority – Subpriority – Action Line (subtopic)
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Calls of IST Priority Call 1 - Date of publication : Closure date (deadline of proposal submission: (17:00 Brussels local time) - Total indicative budget: 1070 MEuro All available Instruments (IP, NoE, STREPs, SSA, CAs) are valid Call 2 - Date of publication : ??? - Closure date (deadline of proposal submission): (17:00 Brussels local time) - Total indicative budget: 525 Meuro All available Instruments (IP, NoE, STREPs, SSA, CAs) are valid Continous Submission Call - Date of publication : Date from which proposals are receivable: (17:00 Brussels local time) - Closure date (deadline of proposal submission): Total indicative budget: 60 Meuro Available Instruments : STREPs, SSA, CAs are valid
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU IST 6FP – Call 1, Pierwszy konkurs IST 6PR Call 1Pre-allocated 1. Strategic Objectives Pushing the limits of CMOS, preparing for post-CMOS75 Micro and nano systems85 Broadband for all60 Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G90 Towards a global dependebility and security framework55 Multimodal interfaces65 Semantic-base knowledge systems55 Networked audio-visual systems and home platforms60 Networked business and governments75 eSafety of road and air transport65 eHealth70 Technology enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage65
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU IST 6FP – Call 1, Pierwszy konkurs IST 6PR Call 1Pre-allocated 2. Future and emerging Technologies Proactive initiatives (i) Beyond robotics (ii) Complex systems research (iii) The Disappearing Computer General Accompanying General Accompanying actions8
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU IST 6FP – Call 2, Drugi konkurs IST 6PR Call 2Pre-allocated 1. Strategic Objectives Advanced displays25 Optical, opto-electronic, photonic functional components45 Embedded systems50 Open development platforms for software and services55 Cognitive systems25 Applications and services for the mobile user and worker60 Cross media content for leisure and entertainment55 GRID-base systems and solving complex problems45 Improving risk management30 eInclusion30
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU IST 6FP – Call 2 Call 2Pre-allocated 2. Research Networking Research Networking test beds25 3. General Accompanying actions General Accompanying actions8
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU Source of Information – IST Priority European Commision Data Base - Cordis (all information of 5 i 6th Framework programme) : web page derived from 5FP : New (actual) EC web page, : EC web page concentrating on science and research Web Page of IDEALIST project (services of partner search for IST projects, brokerage events, links with Cordis)
12th Seminar May National Contact Point FP6 EU National Contact Point – Web Pages National Contact Point 6FP – active, valid web page, Polish v. – active, valid web page, English v. - „getting older” NCP address - address of IST co-ordinator