State Support System for Districts New Hampshire Department of Education
State Accountability NCLB requires the following: “A State shall identify for improvement any local education agency (district) that, for two consecutive years, has not made adequate yearly progress as defined in the State’s plan.” The State has identified 18 districts as Districts In Need of Improvement based on two years of NHEIAP data: 9 districts are identified in area of reading 7 districts are identified in the area of mathematics 2 districts have been identified in both reading and mathematics
State’s Responsibility for Technical Assistance RSA 193 H - Local Education Improvement The Department of Education and the State Board of Education shall work cooperatively with the school or school district to provide assistance. NCLB For each local education agency (district) identified under paragraph (3), the State education agency shall provide technical assistance or other assistance if requested, as authorized under section 1117.
This is a National Dialogue Standards-based reform requires changes in the role of state education agencies and district central offices. Districts are critical to the improvement process through the provision of resources, information and incentives to facilitate school improvement. For each school identified for school improvement, the district shall ensure the provision of technical assistance – this includes analyzing data from the state assessments and other examples of student work, to identify and address problems in instruction. States play a key role in supporting districts as they move through this process: needs assessment, planning, resources for implementation, and evaluation Taken from a CCSSO report – March 2003
What does the law require? SEC SCHOOL SUPPORT AND RECOGNITION. (a) SYSTEM FOR SUPPORT,- (1) IN GENERAL, - Each State shall establish a statewide system of intensive and sustained support and improvements for local education agencies and schools receiving funds under this part, in order to increase the opportunity for all students served by the agencies and schools to meet the State’s academic content standards and student academic achievement standards.
What is the State’s Responsibility? STATEWIDE SYSTEM 1. Establishing school support teams. 2. Providing such support as the State educational agency determines necessary and available in order to ensure the effectiveness of such teams. 3. Designating and using distinguished teachers and principals chosen from schools served under this part that have been especially successful in improving academic achievement. 4. Devising additional approaches to providing assistance, such as providing assistance through institutions of higher education and educational service agencies or other local consortia, and private providers of scientifically based technical assistance.
Student Standards- Based Curriculum Instruction Assessment Structural Reform Strategies Leadership & Governance External Support/ Resources Culture & Climate Professional Development Data-Based Accountability & Evaluation Extended Learning Activities Parent & Community Involvement The NH Focus?
What will the New Hampshire Process be? Stage I District –level Data Analysis (3/1/05 to 6/30/05) 1. Data Grants available -Facilitator chosen -Data Team created 2. On-line Root Cause Data Analysis Course Available 3. Meet with Department for 10% set-aside information 4. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed 5. Priority areas identified through data analysis are submitted
What will the New Hampshire Process be? Stage II District Improvement Planning (7/01/05 to 9/1/05) 1. Grants for participation in HOPE and finalization of plan available -Facilitator continued -District Improvement Planning Team created 2. Participate in HOPE for the Purpose of: -Setting goals with measurable objectives -Creating action steps for activities with benchmarks -Increasing awareness of resources to increase student achievement 3. District Improvement Plan submitted
What will the New Hampshire Process be? Stage III Implementation Phase (9/2/05 to 8/30/06) 1. District Activities funding available 2. District Improvement Coordinator chosen. Individual will participate in Department monthly meetings. 3. District Continuous Improvement Team created and begins work based on district plan.
How much Funding (Planning and Implementation) is available and when? Stage I – Data Grants ($5,000) Stage II – Grants to support participation in HOPE and finalization of district plan. Stage III – Implementation Grants ($75, 000/ $50,000/ $25,000) Amount based on an indexing scale calculated using size of district’s student population and district’s free and reduced lunch percentage.
What are the required rewards and sanctions? Sanctions – 10% Title I Set-Aside District In Need of Improvement Plan District cannot be an SES Provider Rewards – Identification of schools closing the achievement gap
What Technical Assistance and Supports can the Department provide? Data analysis training. Funding for facilitators to help districts develop improvement plans. Facilitated team time work through HOPE. Needs assessment tool to target resources. Content specialists to help district/schools with curriculum content alignment. Development of trained peer reviewers to evaluate district/school improvement progress. Brokering of cost efficient consultant services for districts/schools.
Planning Timeline March - April Root Cause Analysis course 1. Deadline for Registration: March 25, Facilitator's Training Day: March 29, 2005, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3. Course begins: April 5, 2005 May 10% Set-Aside Meeting: May 3, 2005 June 1. Priority Areas identified: June 30, HOPE Team chosen July 1. CSI (Curriculum Support Institute), - July 24-29, 2005 Grand Summit Hotel, Bartlett August 1. HOPE Institute – August 8-12, 2005, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nashua 2. District Improvement Coordinator chosen 3. Continuous Improvement District Support Team Selected September District Improvement Plan with Action Steps for funding due: September 1, 2005
Implementation Timeline Monthly Meetings for District Coordinators to: Address the specific needs of districts Periodically review progress Obtain information on specific topics such as: 1. Closing the Achievement Gap 2. Professional Development 3. Parent and Community 4. Scientifically Based Research
The Departments next steps include: 1. Identifying and training facilitators, peer reviewers, content coaches and distinguished educators as resources. 2. Sponsoring Root Cause Analysis data training. 3. Providing details about accessing grant resources and HOPE participation. 4. Providing a District Planning Template
Questions? Timelines are needed with deadlines. Attention to populations: SPED, ELL. What will be the role of school improvement coordinators? Communication – back up s are needed. Calendar is on Department web – Office of Accountability