NOVEMBER 6, 2014 Harlingen CISD PBMAS Intervention Planning
Data Analysis What? Needs Assessment Why? Improvement Plan How? Implement & Monitor
Data Analysis Objective Findings Problem Statements Needs Assessment Root Cause Identify root causes Improvement Plan Annual Goals and Strategy Quarterly Goals and Interventions Implement and Monitor Data by quarter and Implementation Impact, Reporting, and Adjustments
Data Analysis What? Needs Assessment Why? Improvement Plan How? Implement & Monitor
Data Analysis Objective Findings: Based on patterns and trends in the data Develop problem statements and prioritize
Questions: What patterns and trends does the data reveal regarding the performance ________________? How do the trends identified impact the performance________________? Based on the data, what are the strengths or weaknesses of the District’s support for __________? What does longitudinal PBMAS Data for the past 2 years reveal when compared to the current year’s report?
Problem Statement: TIPS
Data Analysis What? Needs Assessment Why? Improvement Plan How? Implement & Monitor
Needs Assessment Brief Review Need Root Cause
Needs Assessment: TIPS Ensure a ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS was completed. Determine the analysis was COLLABORATIVE and VETTED by the team. Determine if the “root cause” ANSWERS WHY the gap is occurring.
Problem Statement: Average annual campus attendance is 88%.
Needs Assessment Worksheet- Problem Statement to Root Cause Step 1: Problem Statement based on data analysis Step 2: Narrow the focus (10-5-5) Step 3: Categorize by influence and control Step 4: Team Consensus Step 5: Root Cause (5 WHYs?)
Problem Statement and Root Cause Which Index(es) does the problem statement address? o Index 1: Student Achievement o Index 2: Student Progress o Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps o Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Is occurring because root cause__________?
Data Analysis What? Needs Assessment Why? Improvement Plan How? Implement & Monitor
Problem Statement Annual Goal
Specific Measurable AttainableResult-Based Time-Bound
Problem Statement: Annual Goal:
Improvement Plan: TIPS Ensure the annual goal is aligned to the PROBLEM STATEMENT Check to see the goal is written in a S.M.A.R.T. way and that the “R” stands for Results-bound.
Annual Goal: Campus attendance will increase from 88% to 92% by the end of the school year.
Need/Root Cause: Strategy:
Root Cause: Index Number(s) Annual Goal Strategy CSF How will addressing the Root Cause impact the Index/Indicators/CSFs? Root Cause Annual Goal CSFs Strategy How Root Cause impact CSF/Indicator/Ind ex Inde x
Interventions by Quarter Quarterly Goal Interventions What data will be collected to monitor interventions? Quarterly Goal-(Q1,Q2,Q3, & Q4) Interventions by quarter What data will be collected to monitor interventions
Interventions How Who When Resources
Connections Strategy Annual Goal Root Cause Problem
Reviewing Process Data Sources Problem Statements Needs Annual Goals Strategies Quarterly Goals Interventions
Data Analysis What? Needs Assessment Why? Improvement Plan How? Implement & Monitor
Implement and Monitor Review data by quarter Determine level of implementation Determine level of impact End of quarter reporting Adjustments to the plan to ensure success
Implement and Monitor: MID-COURSE CORRECTIONS (CONSIDERATIONS) REFINE the schedule or timing built into the plan ADJUST tactics or interventions MODIFY or revisit the quarterly goal CHANGE or revise the strategy
Data Analysis What? Needs Assessment Why? Improvement Plan How? Implement & Monitor