THE OLLI COMMUNITY IN THE COMMUNITY AGENDA How it Began at OLLI NU The Civic Engagement Framework Civic Engagement Models Coordinator Role Selecting a Partner Organization OLLI NU Video Challenges & Rewards Recipe for Success Q & A / Discussion
What Are Your Members Passionate About? Literacy Entrepreneurship The Environment Better Government Inequality Education Global Health Poverty Peace Animals Urban Issues
OLLI NU introduces.... Civic Engagement Study Groups
Civic Engagement Framework READ: Academic Component ENGAGE: Volunteer Component REFLECT: Connects learning with experience
#1 PARTNERSHIPS IN CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Involves a Partner Organization 50% Academic time/ 50% volunteer time Involves a Partner Agreement Fall and Spring Semesters
#2 INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Academic Study plus volunteer on your own Help Available to find not-for-profits Offered in any Semester
#3 REFLECTIONS ON CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Participants already volunteering Use creativity to stimulate sharing Offered in shorter Summer and Winter Semesters
Keyword: "Mean...ing...ful" Having a serious, important, or useful quality
COORDINATOR Orchestrates the Show!!
Coordinator Role Designing the Study Group Selecting the Partner Organization Create a Meaningful Volunteer Experience Formulate the Partner Agreement Organize Volunteer Readiness Incorporate Reflection into the experience
Designing the Study Group Select the Topic Identify Readings and other Source Material Plan early, but address needs of Partner Organization Determine how many classroom sessions and how many volunteering If funds are required, gain pre approval from OLLI director Consider OLLI calendar and study group approval process
Selecting the Partner Organization Find the right not-for profit partner organization Consider those large enough to have Volunteer Coordinator Consider safety Reach Agreement on: o MEANINGFUL Volunteer Experience o Timing, Location, Number of Volunteers o Expected Outcomes o Level of participation by Partner Organization o Volunteer readiness OLLI participants become volunteers of Partner Most Partners will require background check
Partner Agreement NAMES : Study Group Name, Coordinators, Partner Organization and Contact Information LOGISTICS: Specifics on dates, times, locations, requirements for volunteers (background checks; TB tests etc.) READ: Summary of academic content ENGAGE: Describe volunteer activity REFLECT: Time devoted to reflection VOLUNTEER READINESS: Describe how volunteers will be prepared and level of participation by Partner BUDGET: Detail projected budget
Reflection Helps connect learning with the experience Helps to process the experience Consider the larger context Partner Organization may participate; Or you may also choose a separate de-briefing with Partner Organization
Lessons Learned by Coordinators Structure Volunteer experience to enhance academic learning Choose Partner Organization able to accommodate 10 volunteers Structure assignments so personal relationships can develop Manage expectations and group dynamics Flexibility helps!!
Challenges Need strong member(s) to champion Civic Engagement Organizes a committee who will help conceptualize the effort Helps communicate the concept to membership Provides ongoing support and mentoring for Coordinators Can help with Study Group Design Serves as "Institutional Memory" about Partners Keeps up the “buzz”
Challenges for OLLI’s (cont.) Need ongoing effort to Institutionalize Civic Engagement Kick-off workshops Communicate, communicate, communicate Create opportunities for civic engagement “aha” moments –Volunteer Roundtable –OLLI in Action Network Optimum number of Civic Engagement Study Groups Mission Creep
The Rewards Provides fulfillment Increases opportunity to learn new skills Richer understanding of the issues Provides personal growth opportunity Provides social connections beyond the classroom Enhances community / university relationship “This has changed my life. I really love it.” -- OLLI member said of her volunteering with a refugee
Recipe for Success Ingredients: A robust champion A workable structure Supportive resources Creative and innovative coordinators Preassemble your ingredients carefully! Add to the mix an enthusiastic non-profit partner. Work in small batches. Simmer on low, stirring constantly. Season to your own taste.
To Learn More … Search for: Retirement 201: Advanced Study in Retirement Contact Judy Mann,
The OLLI Community in THE Community Q & A Discussion