Research Methods: Overview of Library Research SFU Library Gordon Coleman 13 October 2004
Today’s workshop Background: publishing cycle, accessing information Background: publishing cycle, accessing information Problem #1: known citations Problem #1: known citations Problem #2: searching by topic Problem #2: searching by topic Problem #3: information overload Problem #3: information overload Additional problems Additional problems
Academic Publication Cycle the lone scientist doing research in her lab articles in journals, conference presentations books summarize recent research textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Accessing information Online Online Freely available Freely available Protected/licensed databases Protected/licensed databases Print Print SFU Surrey Library SFU Surrey Library SFU Library SFU Library Beyond Beyond
Problem #1: Known citations “My professor told me to get the following articles … How do I do it?” “My professor told me to get the following articles … How do I do it?” Yeasin, Polat, etc. A multiobject tracking framework for interactive multimedia applications. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 6 (3), Yeasin, Polat, etc. A multiobject tracking framework for interactive multimedia applications. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 6 (3), Schroeder, Grabowski. Patterns of exploration and learning with hypermedia. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13 (4), Schroeder, Grabowski. Patterns of exploration and learning with hypermedia. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13 (4), Bommier, Blanchet. Binary Quasi-Cyclic Goppa Codes. Codes and Cryptography, 20 (2), Bommier, Blanchet. Binary Quasi-Cyclic Goppa Codes. Codes and Cryptography, 20 (2), 2000.
Known Citations Start at the library homepage: Start at the library homepage: Check the catalogue to determine if we have the item online or in print. Check the catalogue to determine if we have the item online or in print. If it’s unavailable, use the “Request Items from Other Libraries” link. If it’s unavailable, use the “Request Items from Other Libraries” link.
Problem #2: Searching by Topic “I need to learn about the field of ___[insert your topic here]___. Where should I start?” “I need to learn about the field of ___[insert your topic here]___. Where should I start?”
Searching by Topic: Getting Started Basic textbooks, reference books Basic textbooks, reference books Browse the shelves Browse the shelves Supervisor’s reading list Supervisor’s reading list Meta-analyses & review articles Meta-analyses & review articles Bibliography mining of all of the above Bibliography mining of all of the above Search engines, databases … Search engines, databases …
Searching by Topic: Search Engines Also called “library databases”, “article indexes” Also called “library databases”, “article indexes” Each one covers certain types of material (books, journal articles, CP, theses, etc.) from certain disciplines Each one covers certain types of material (books, journal articles, CP, theses, etc.) from certain disciplines More that one database for your topic More that one database for your topic
Searching by Topic: Selecting databases Library homepage Library homepage Article indexes & databases Article indexes & databases Interactive Arts & Technology list Interactive Arts & Technology list Ask a librarian for more assistance Ask a librarian for more assistance
Database search tips Boolean logic: AND, OR Boolean logic: AND, OR Truncation * Truncation * Look for subject headings, index terms, or alternate terms Look for subject headings, index terms, or alternate terms Search for separate concepts, then combine your search sets Search for separate concepts, then combine your search sets Iterate your searches and record what you’ve done Iterate your searches and record what you’ve done Ask a librarian for help Ask a librarian for help
Getting the item Is it full-text in the database? If not … Is it full-text in the database? If not … Where Can I Get This tells you: Where Can I Get This tells you: Available online in another database Available online in another database Available in print at Burnaby Available in print at Burnaby Order from another university library Order from another university library Inter-library loan staff will search for it Inter-library loan staff will search for it
Problem #3: Info overload “Oh my goodness, there is so much on my topic, where do I start?” “Oh my goodness, there is so much on my topic, where do I start?”
Info overload: Web of Science db Search by topic, like other databases Search by topic, like other databases Rank articles by “most-cited” to determine their importance Rank articles by “most-cited” to determine their importance Cited References = this paper’s list of sources Cited References = this paper’s list of sources Times Cited = papers which cite this paper Times Cited = papers which cite this paper Also a useful way to track ideas forward in time Also a useful way to track ideas forward in time
Info overload: Managing citations Use Citation Manager and/or RefWorks to manage your personal database of citations Use Citation Manager and/or RefWorks to manage your personal database of citations Library homepage Research tools Library homepage Research tools
Additional problems “How do I stay on top of developments in my field?” journal TofCs “How do I stay on top of developments in my field?” journal TofCs “How do I know if my thesis topic is original?” Digital Dissertations database “How do I know if my thesis topic is original?” Digital Dissertations database
Homework Search for books on your topic Search for books on your topic Search for journal articles Search for journal articles Use their bibliographies to find more Use their bibliographies to find more When you find good articles, look for other articles which cite them When you find good articles, look for other articles which cite them Meet with a librarian to learn about more resources on your topic Meet with a librarian to learn about more resources on your topic Start browsing journals in your field Start browsing journals in your field Use citation management software Use citation management software All homework is optional, but recommended All homework is optional, but recommended
Ask Us! SFU Surrey Library SFU Surrey Library Gordon Gordon Natalie Natalie SFU Library Ask Us! SFU Library Ask Us! , in person, online chat, telephone , in person, online chat, telephone