Why did we add coaching and mentoring to this programme? Because we believe the sum of what we deliver offers more value than its individual components Because we know there are things you want to explore individually that you cannot do in a group Because the challenges will still be there after the workshops cease Because we are committed to you being the best you can be And what you do is important to your organisation And your organisation will improve outcomes for children and young people
Why coaching and mentoring? Performance Change Purpose Development
How can coaching and mentoring help? Leadership Managing change and choices Solving problems and relationships Taking risks and innovating Setting vision and strategy Understanding your organisation and where you fit
What value does it add? Improved motivation and confidence Better self awareness Effective use of self Alternative behaviour strategies Rehearsals and strategies for difficult situations Confidence and authority that others will notice
Who uses coaching and mentoring? Well…………..# Athletes, performers, leaders, workerbees, chief executives, managers, frontline workers, administrators, Board members, youth, 65% female/35% male 96% said they would use a coach again + International Coach Federation 2009
How does it work One to one, face to face, phone, skype (sometimes ) Focus on the positive Locates your inner resources Space to think things through and test things out Identifies what’s blocking progress
It isn’t Public – its confidenial Supervision – it’s your time Checking you out – its not about performance Counselling – coaching is about here and now Therapy – it is a different methodology Easy – be prepared for challenge and new ideas to emerge
What’s the offer? A minimum of two one-hour coaching sessions per organisation per pilot (38 sessions in total across the pilot) Important to decide within the organisation who to put forward (how will you decide that? Telephone or Skype To be completed by September 2011
Who’s the Coach? Dawn Rees MA, CQSW,FInstLM Executive Coach and Leadership Mentor since 2007 A Graduate and Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management A Member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and bound by its Code of Ethics
What clients have said about their coaching experience Easy style refreshing insightful experienced maximum impact positive supportive expert resourceful strategic, style empathic energetic challenging humour respect imaginative rapport courage outcome range creative possibility successful leadership growth
Dawn Rees