N EW T ECHNOLOGY By: Jessenia Ramirez(:
M EASURABLE G OALS students will use technology for school purposes and an increase in efficiency. Goals would be to increase higher Fcat scores. The goal of the teachers would be to help students achieve theirs. Through the means of technology we can increase more than just individual grades but also the entire grade of the school. students well be expected to use iPad’s for school purposes ONLY. Download textbooks, and/or other school programs to help them achieve or surpass their potentials
W HAT WILL IT INCLUDE.? *iPad would include the following: scientific/graphing calculators. curriculum textbooks. online tutoring extra practice &' block downloading, chatting texting and social networking or any inappropriate non-school related activity. password needed for any downloading and/or YouTube or any access of harmful web sites.
it can benefit them by giving them more help by providing FREE online tutoring and extra practice on each curriculum.
I MPROVEMENTS.? improves organization which improves performance, because its less stress, everything can be stored in one tab and will be easy to find class documents. student teacher communication will also be improved. There would be no more worries on assigning books to students when all the textbooks will be available to students through the iPad.
HOW WILL THE IPAD BE USED *Technology will only be used during school (when teachers find the need to) -note taking -research -textbook -tests (online tests) -Assignments (online homework)
B ENIFETS teachers will have to go through special training on how to teach students on how to use there iPad how to find certain educational websites, and how to find and save class documents. it would be used for communication through the school system to teachers and to students.
I Believe that this technology should be used for High Schools grades because that is the time in which a student would need access to more resources for assignments projects etc.
T RUE S TATEMENTS according to Kathleen Merten and I quote: "Current research indicates a correlation between use of technology for instruction and increased student achievement." && Sarah Barrett "Modern technology has brought a new face to education and has greatly impacted the way teachers teach and the ways students learn. The impact has played a pivotal role in the increased success of learners both in the classroom and in the real world."