Submission to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs John Munro - CEO 28 th June 2011
Practical Steps being taken by Rand Uranium – 2008 to date 1.AMD Treatment Plant Operations – Interim Measures Partially treat an average of 12 ML/d of AMD from the Western Basin Approximately 50% of the AMD discharge rate required to reduce to ECL At maximum reliable capability of the AMD Plant Maintained and optimised performance of this plant Executed emergency measures on behalf of DWA March to June Provided assistance to affected parties - alternative water sources, flood control However RU is running out of capacity to continue even partially treating the AMD Regular reporting and interaction with regulators on AMD and AMD Plant Facilitated ongoing community awareness training and access to site by Civil Society, media and academia-total transparency Incurred costs in excess of R60m since December
Practical Steps being taken – 2008 to date 2. Secured the development of a Long Term Solution to the AMD Supported WUC in development of a Long Term Solution Supplied ongoing human capital into the solution Championed the Implementation of a Long Term Solution and Action September 2009 – Appeal to DWA regarding Long Term Solution - DDG level December 2009 – Follow up appeal engagements - DDG level March 2010– Hosted Minister Sonjica at AMD Site March 2010 – Further DWA Workshop - DDG level and HoD’s of DWA and DMR June 2010 – Presentation to Minister Sonjica re Long Term Solution June Long Term Solution tabled to new DDG July 2010 –Presented and Hosted PPC on Water at AMD Site July 2010 – Detailed Proposal Document presented to DWA on Long Term Solution August Hosted GDARD MEC for Environment September 2010 – Presentation to IMC Team of Experts 3
Practical Steps being taken 3.IMC Engagement Presented position and proposals to IMC technical team in Sept 2010 Prepared alternative short term treatment plan for Western Basin, in line with IMC recommendations released February 2011: Expansion of RU AMD Treatment Plant Operations Linkages to Mintails AMD Treatment Plant Or Link to Central Basin Presented ideas to DWEA, TCTA and National Treasury Continued constructive engagement through various engagements, site visits and information provision Continued operating the AMD Treatment Plant at R2.5 m/month 4
Legal Position 1. Rand Uranium was formed in December 2008, New company, which could not have undertaken the mining that caused the Western Basin AMD RU does not operate UG mines in the Western Basin RU’s operating mines are 20 kms away from the Western Basin and are not connected underground RU acquired the property on which the AMD decants and on which the AMD Treatment Plant is located 2.Water Treatment Plant Governance 1. Directives 2005 Directive – Expired in 2006, pre RU incorporation 2009 Directive - RU appealed to Water Tribunal, DWA withdrew the Directive prior to the WT hearing 2010 Revised Directive Issued RU lodged an appeal with the Tribunal - November 2010 – Awaiting hearing date Status in question (lapsed January 2011?) 2. Expended considerable financial and human resources on this matter Ongoing engagement with DWA and local stakeholders regarding the AMD Treatment Plant pre and post IMC report Rand Uranium continues ongoing partial treatment of AMD 5 THE AMD IS A LEGACY LIABILITY, WAS NOT CREATED BY RAND URANIUM
Conclusion Rand Uranium : Has and continues to undertake very costly partial AMD treatment operations on a without prejudice basis, given RU did not create this problem when few other parties were taking any action in the face of an ownerless crisis Has undertaken extensive engagement with Government to argue for action Has extensively supported the development and implementation of a SUSTAINABLE, EXTERNALLY FUNDABLE LONG TERM SOLUTION thus obviating long term liability disputes Has proposed various short and long term measures to meet the needs identified in the IMC Report. Has reached a critical decision point in the face of the rejection by DWA of the Long term WUC solution 6