Auditory - Hearing Definition: The hearing system, also known as the auditory system involves the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, and central auditory nervous system. Allowing us to detect sound.
Structure – What’s involved? Basically what's involved in the auditory system is the inner ear, middle ear, and outer ear. It consists of an ear drum which is very fragile and its function is to transmit sound. Lastly the facial nerve, hearing nerve, and Cochlea which is a hearing canal in the inner ear, the sensory organ of hearing. Posterior Canal Superior Canal Utricle Cochlea Saccule Horizanta l Canal Vestibut e
Structure – What it looks like? Involves a ear figure on both sides of your face. Inside it contains at first the ear drum it’s a big important part of the inside of the auditory system its very fragile. On top of the ear drum, it has the balance canals and at the very end it has the facial nerve that looks like small nerves connected to the canals. Lastly is the cochlea which is far down at the bottom that looks like a snail shell.
Function – How the auditory system works The whole function of the hearing system is to sense the sound of the environment that allows us to identify and notice sound. In order to assist the view of sound, the hearing system needs to sense sound energy to convert the received audio signals into the facial and hearing nerves that are used by the nervous system.
Function –Steps to process sound. The process of hearing starts with the outer ear, collecting sound energy and sends it through ear canals towards the eardrum. The arriving waves of sound energy cause the eardrum to vibrate, setting into motion the malleus, also known as the hammer. There bones that make up the ossicular chain of the middle ear chamber which connects to a tube. The middle ear’s functional structure and conductive motion combine to increase the sound by approximately 2.3 decibels (dB) and makes it into a fluid called, hydraulic causing vibration inside our inner ear.
Disorder Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), 5% of school aged kids contain this disorder. Kids can't process the information they hear in the same way as others because their ears and also brain don't fully match up. It badly affects the way the brain recognizes and interprets sounds, most remarkably the sounds creating speech. Kids with this disorder don’t recognize delicate differences between sounds in words and also when the sounds are loud and clear enough to be heard. So kids with APD have difficulty of understanding any speech presented.
Treatment of Disorder Central Auditory Processing Disorder treatment usually focuses on three main areas, changing the learning or the speaking environment, treating for the disorder. CAPD happens when the ears and the brain don't communicate with each other as good as they should. This results in misleading audio input into the brain. The best option for treatment is something that is modified for the person.
Bibliography Internet Site: Central Auditory Processing Disorder. Learning Rx. processing-disorder-treatment-faq.htm processing-disorder-treatment-faq.htm Internet Site: American Speech-Language Hearing Assocaition. Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Children. -Auditory-Processing-Disorders-in-Children Video: Creating enhanced listening around the world. Videocasstette. By Sound Therapy. International Book: Biology interactive Online Edition. California: Johnson Raven.