THE CONNECTING OTTAWA / CONNEXION OTTAWA PROJECT “We believe that the preferred solution is to provide multiple points of access to an integrated system, which, from the client’s perspective, is seamless.” “Through partnerships, formal or informal, organizations can share expertise, pool resources (such as interpreters and technology), coordinate services, provide training, distribute legal information, and conduct outreach to target populations.” Karen Cohl and George Thomson: Connecting Across Language and Distance: Linguistic and Rural Access to Legal Information and Services – The Report of the Linguistic and Rural Access to Justice Project to the Law Foundation of Ontario, Dec. 2008
THE CONNECTING OTTAWA / CONNEXION OTTAWA PROJECT A three-year Ottawa-based access to justice project, currently funded by The Law Foundation of Ontario: for low income individuals who do not speak English or French for low income individuals with a disability which affects their ability to communicate
THE CONNECTING OTTAWA / CONNEXION OTTAWA PROJECT GOVERNANCE – by an Advisory Group of partner organizations: Community Legal Services (Ottawa Centre) Le Conseil Economique et Social d’Ottawa-Carleton The In Community Jewish Family Services Overbrook-Forbes Community Resource Centre Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre South Ottawa Community Legal Services Social Planning Council of Ottawa Community Information Centre Ottawa / 211
Current size of network: 41 organizations 17 Community Services 10 Immigrant Services 9 Legal Services 4 Services for People with Disabilities 1 Interpretation and Translation Service THE CONNECTING OTTAWA / CONNEXION OTTAWA PROJECT
THE PLAN Direct frontline community workers to the legal information and legal advice needed by their clients using our websites [ ;] Provide cross-sectoral consultation services to frontline workers using a lawyer and a social worker Develop a pool of “trusted intermediaries” trained to support clients to connect with the legal and social services to which they are referred Coordinate a program of public legal education for frontline workers, service providers and communities THE CONNECTING OTTAWA / CONNEXION OTTAWA PROJECT
THE PLAN Promote 211 as a coordinated hub for information, assessment and referral services Subsidize the costs of connecting a client with legal and social services: interpretation, translation and/or transportation, when necessary Coordinate a sustainable network of community partners Share our lessons learned THE CONNECTING OTTAWA / CONNEXION OTTAWA PROJECT
David Hole, Project Coordinator Natalie Drolet, Lawyer Marian Green, Social Worker THE CONNECTING OTTAWA / CONNEXION OTTAWA PROJECT
We Thank Our Connecting Ottawa Funders: