Chapter 4: Measurement, Assessment, and Program Evaluation PED 383: Adapted Physical Education Dr. Johnson
Terminology Measurement Evaluation (Assessment) The process of collecting data on the property or attribute of interest Evaluation (Assessment) The process of interpreting the measurement data and making a judgment by comparing results with predetermined criteria or objectives.
Standards Norm based Criterion Based Comparison of one students performance against the performance of others from a particular peer group with similar characteristics. Criterion Based Comparison of individual scores to some absolute level of mastery or predetermined criterion.
Testing Standardized Alternative Authentic Implementing previously established test procedures and protocols in controlled environments in order to objectively collect data. Alternative Gathering of data through a variety of testing means and environmental conditions. (can be done in different ways) Authentic Testing in real world environments.
Alternative testing Checklist Rubric Task Anaylsis (SAMs Portfolios Presence or absence of behaviors (list) Rubric Rating scales that distinguish levels of performance or skill through clear performance criteria Task Anaylsis (SAMs Portfolios Collection of exhibits
Best testing method? Synthesis of the two Authentic Alternative
Need for testing and assessment in Adapted PE Increasing motivation Determine Strengths and weaknesses Classifying students Determining the degree of achievement Evaluation instruction and programs Predicting success Conducting research Criteria Low motor Development Low motor Skill performance Low health related fitness
Social Skills measurement Social skills = affective skills A = Appropriate = always meets criteria NI = Needs Improvement = Sometimes meets criteria I = Inappropriate = Never meets criteria
State and District requirements Must meet one of three options: 1. Participation in the same standardized tests 2. Appropriate accommodations are provided 3. Alternative test is given.
Types of instruments Milani-Comparetti Motor Development Screening test for infants and young children Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Test of Gross Motor Development – 2 Sport Skills Program Guides Brockport Physical Fitness Test Activitygram
Milani-Comparetti Motor Development Screening test for infants and young children Reflexes and reactions Measures motor development until 24 months Relatively easy to administer 27 items 9 spontaneous behaviors 18 evoked responses 5 primitive reflexes 13 other reflexes.
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Rudimentary Movements Gross and fine motor skills to 83 months Reflexes, stationary balance, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping and visual motor integration Larger sample of areas addressed More information More detail
Test of Gross Motor Development – 2 Fundamental Movements Gross motor in Pre-school and early elementary Locomotor (6 items) and object control (6 items) tested. Very accurately reflect abilities
Sport Skills Program Guides Specialized Activity Movements Compliment existing evaluations Guides for testing 29 sports (not actually tests given). Convenient testing Not reliable of valid
Brockport Physical Fitness Test Health related physical fitness 27 test items Body composition, Aerobic functioning and musculoskeletal functioning (muscular strength, endurance and flexibility) Similar to Fitnessgram (easy to use)
Activitygram Physical Activity Associated with Fitnessgram Records, analyzes and saves activity data Can produce reports Easy to use with Adapted PE Must have good memory of previous days.
Program Evaluation MUST constantly re-evaluate your own program Definitions of various terms Disabilities Programming Support Effectiveness Testing Guidelines for inclusion IEP team