Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right – Using It Well
Purpose of Assessment SUMMATIVE Assessments OF Learning –How much have students learned as of a particular point in time? FORMATIVE Assessments FOR Learning –How can we use assessment information to help students learn more?
Research on Effects of Formative Assessment:.7 Standard Deviation Score Gain = 25 Percentile Points on ITBS (middle of score range) 70 SAT Score Points 4 ACT Score Points Largest Gain for Low Achievers Black & Wiliam
Needed Improvements Increased commitment to high-quality formative assessments Increased descriptive feedback, reduced evaluative feedback Increased student involvement in the assessment process
Key 1: Clear Assessment Purpose Always begin by asking What decisions? Who’s making them? What information will be helpful to them?
Purpose: Assess to meet whose needs? ClassroomInstructional Support Policy Students Teachers Parents Teacher Teams Curriculum Coordinators Principals Superintendent School Board Taxpayers Legislators
Balanced Assessment Summative Provides evidence achievement to certify student competence or program effectiveness Assessment for learning Use assessments to help students assess and adjust their own learning Formative uses of summative data Use of summative evidence to inform what comes next for individuals or groups of students Formative Formal and informal processes teachers and students use to gather evidence to directly improve the learning of students assessed Assessment for learning Use classroom assessments to inform teacher’s decisions
Balanced Assessment: Stakeholders’ Needs Annual accountability testing Interim, short-cycle or benchmark testing Ongoing, accurate classroom assessments for and of learning Students are the most influential user of assessment information
Key 2: Clear Learning Targets Know what kinds of targets are represented in curriculum Know which targets each assessment measures Advances communication of learning targets in student-friendly language
Kinds of Targets Master content knowledge Use knowledge to reason and solve problems Demonstrate performance skills Create quality products
Clear Targets: Benefits to Students Students who could identify their learning scored 27 percentile points higher than those who could not (Marzano, 2005) A student’s success on a standardized math test: 40% is dependent upon mathematics literacy (Jacobs, 2004)
Key 3: Sound Assessment Design Select a proper assessment method Select or create quality items, tasks, and rubrics Sample—gather enough evidence Control for bias Design assessments so students can self- assess and set goals
Key 4: Effective Communication Provide students with descriptive feedback Involve students in tracking and communicating about their learning Use grading practices that accurately communicate about student learning Interpret and use standardized test results correctly
Key 5: Student Involvement The Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning Where am I going? 1.Provide a clear statement of the learning target 2.Use examples and models Where am I now? 3.Offer regular descriptive feedback 4.Teach students to self-assess and set goals How can I close the gap? 5.Design focused lessons 6.Teach students focused revision 7.Engage students in self-reflection; let them keep track of and share their learning
Why Assessment for Learning Works When students are required to think about their own learning, articulate what they understand, and what they still need to learn, achievement improves. Black and Wiliam, 1998; Sternberg, 1996; Young, 2000
Expected Benefits and Proven Results Assessment connected to learning Better instruction focused on standards Profound achievement gains for all students, with the largest gains for lowest achievers More self-managed learning by students