ED5545 Curriculum & Instruction Master Practicum II Assessment Instruction Portfolio Presentation This 1st slide is a visual of what I see as the three parts of an effective education plan. A plan that will support effective teaching and efficient learning to produce academic achievement. Christine M. Burkette ED5545 Curriculum & Instruction Master Practicum II
Introduction: The graduate courses I have completed at Capella University in Curriculum & Instruction graduate program has given me a clear direction of how to plan and effective classroom assessment that will unwrap the standards to support a diverse population of learners and measure their understanding of the content using instructional strategies that will lead them to achieving success and closing the gaps in their educational profiles. “The success of a plan is best measured when those who are implementing it can see it’s Success” C.Burkette, 2010 This slide presents the knowledge and understanding I have gained in curriculum & instruction from the courses I have taken at Capella. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Curriculum Purpose Statement Assessment Instruction The purpose of this presentation is to share the process of developing the 10 week learning model for your school. My hope is this 10 week learning model will support a clear direction of how to plan and effective classroom assessment that will unwrap the standards to support a diverse population of learners and measure their understanding of the content using instructional strategies that will lead them to achieving success and closing the gaps in their educational profiles. Purpose of Competencies: Each of the documents represented in this presentation are examples of ED5545 course competencies that guided my process to develop the 10 week learning model. This slide represents the purpose of the study I plan to complete during my 2nd practicum, to complete my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction at Capella University.
Develop curricula reflecting the local philosophy and mission, professional research, current trends, and community and societal needs. ED5504 1-Examine the current knowledge base and research on achievement gaps in P-12 learning environments. 2-Analyze research-based instructional strategies shown to increase achievement for diverse learners. 3-Develop a data- and research-based plan that decreases achievement gaps. ED5534 3-Articulate research findings that support a classroom community for literacy. Competency 1 Read the sub-competencies to illustrate what requirements must be me This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Competency I - Continued Develop curricula reflecting the local philosophy and mission, professional research, current trends, and community and societal needs. ED5535 4 - Apply research for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. ED7538 1 - Examine definitions, models, concepts and theory related to the improvement of curriculum and instruction. 4 - Organize research for gathering, analyzing and reporting data for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. Competency I - Continued This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Understanding by Design Reference the following artifacts : Template with Design Questions for Teachers. Violence Prevention (training manual) Algebra I : Pre-assessment to establish student comprehension baseline. (10:10 Curriculum Map) Research-based plan to decrease achievement gaps (Video Presentation) This slide represents the artifacts supporting practicum outcomes. As well as giving an example of the multiple uses for technology to support a diverse population of learners. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Instruct, design and assess learning. Competency 2: Instruct, design and assess learning. ED5007 5 - Use data and technology appropriately. 6 - View learning environments as complex, adaptive systems ED5500 2 - Incorporate best practices in teaching and instruction ED5501 1-Evaluate instruction for professional development. ED5503 3-Integrate research-based classroom management practices into the learning environment. 4-Analyze the application of special education laws including IEP accommodations and Section 504 plans. This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Instruct, design and assess learning. Competency 2: ED5533 2-Apply tools to short-range curriculum mapping. ED5534 1-Characterize the social, cultural, and academic challenges faced by readers with linguistically diverse needs. 2-Design a classroom community for literacy. 4-Construct strategic instruction for a classroom community for literacy. ED5540 2-Teaching and Learning Strategies for Diverse Learners and Classrooms ED7538 4-Organize research for gathering, analyzing and reporting data for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Instructional Strategies to Support Academic Achievement This is a video clip of instructional strategies that support a diverse population of learners. Sometimes instead of giving a written example a visual example is more affective to making it clear what is needed to support academic achievement. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
10:10 Curriculum Map The 10 week learning model is a short-range curriculum mapping process that will allow the teacher to meet the students at their level of comprehension and build. Level 1 Algebra I Grade 7/8 Level 2 Grade 8/9 Level 3 Grade 9/10 This slide gives an at glance view of how the 10:10 Curriculum Model will be applied and reviewed for this study. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Collecting data at the beginning of each level a 10:10 Curriculum Map Level 4 Algebra I Grade 10/11 Level 5 Grade 11/12 Level 6 Grade 12/College Prep This type of short-range curriculum mapping will also support a diverse population of learners. Collecting data at the beginning of each level a pre & post assessment This slide gives an at glance view of how the 10:10 Curriculum Model will be applied and reviewed for this study. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Expectations of the 10:10 Curriculum Map Teachers will be able to : Collect data to measure a students progress. Improve students academic performance every 10 weeks. Identify the key components missing in their learning profile. Incorporate instructional strategies and assignments/activities that will accomplish the goal of “Hitting the Target” (BIG Idea and/or Essential Question). Students will be able to: Measure their progress Develop skills to improve their academic performance Identify their learning style and strengthen the areas they are not scoring above proficient. Note for me to add slide with 10 instructional strategies that will promote a predicted outcome and PD I completed during practicum with handouts (assessment pre & post Algebra I). Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Lead in curriculum and instruction. Competency 3: Lead in curriculum and instruction. ED5007 1-Think critically and reflectively. ED5500 4-Demonstrate the dispositions expected of a professional educator and self-directed learner. ED5504 4-Reflect on personal dispositions to identify areas of focus for personal learning and growth 5-Examine the roles of leadership and collaborative practice in successful school-wide improvement. This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Interactive Lesson Planning Leading by Example Interactive Lesson Planning Matching Interventions with desired outcomes: What outcomes am I hoping for? Which activity will produce the desired outcome. Which instructional strategy fits best with the requirements of learning . Do I have the resources to support this approach? The slide represents the being a leader requires you to lead on the ideas you are introducing. Note for me to add slide with 10 instructional strategies that will promote a predicted outcome and PD I completed during practicum with handouts (assessment pre & post Algebra I). Curriculum Guided Instruction Assessment Instruction Kaser, J. & Mundry, S. & Stiles, K. & Loucks-Horsely, S. (2002). Leading Every Day: 124 Actions for Effective Leadership, Corwin Press, Inc.; Thousand Oaks, CA.
Collaborate for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. Competency 4: ED5007 2-Communicate in a scholarly manner. ED5501 4-Collaborate with other professionals and the family for the purpose of improving instruction. ED5504 5-Examine the roles of leadership and collaborative practice in successful school-wide improvement ED5535 1-Examine emerging theory and practice focused on collaboration for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Collaborate for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. Competency 4: Collaborate for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. ED5535 2-Explore recent innovations in collaborative practices for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. 3-Engage in collaborative activities such as peer review, coaching, lesson study, or collaborative analysis of student work for the improvement of collaboration in the curriculum review process teacher-to-teacher ED5570 4-Collaborate for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Professional Development Professional Development workshops completed during practicum to collaborate with instructional staff in the areas I would like to collaborate with them to develop and implement the 10:10 Curriculum Map. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
The video clip below is used for a lecture following instruction Explore recent innovations in collaborative practices for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. The video clip below is used for a lecture following instruction Slide 2 in 3D Lesson Planning This slide represents how new innovations in education can not only support improving student understanding but motevating students to want to learn more, making it fun to learn and take notes in a world they understand. Instead of the teacher just standing their talking and boring the students to death. He/she can walk around and check for understanding as students are taking notes from the PP. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Competency 5: Conduct and evaluate research to enrich practice and theory in curriculum ED5007 3-Engage in scholarly inquiry. ED5006 3-Evaluate research studies to distinguish purpose, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses. 4-Analyze the commonalities and differences between the conceptual and philosophical bases of existing research paradigms. 5-Formulate strategies to identify appropriate topics for research. 6-Design specific, appropriate, and feasible research questions. This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Competency 5: Conduct and evaluate research to enrich practice and theory in curriculum ED5006 7-Synthesize the research literature to identify gaps in existing research and define the context of a study. 8-Evaluate ethical dilemmas involved in conducting research. 9-Evaluate data collection strategies based on the characteristics of the research design. 10-Design and defend appropriate data analysis strategies to analyze, summarize and interpret findings. 11-Design a research proposal or prospectus. This slide represents the components I have addressed, experienced and incorporated into my portfolio as I have completed each course in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters program. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Data Profile and Outcomes This is the introduction to the data collected during my practicum study begining with the month of October – December. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Student Population/Demographics Total Student Population = 69 African American = 99% Hispanic = 1% Demographics Free and reduced lunch = 100% Living in Foster Care = 50% Living w/family member = 10% Living in a group home = 20% Living with 1 parent = 15% Living in w/both parents = 5% This slide is reflects the population and demographic information of the students involved in the practicum study to close the achievement gap. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Practicum II – 10:10 Model This slide represents the data of the students apart of the practicum study to close the achievement gap using the 10:10 Curriculum Model. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Practicum II – 10:10 Model This slide represents the data of the students apart of the practicum study to close the achievement gap using the 10:10 Curriculum Model. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Practicum II – 10:10 Model This slide represents the data of the students apart of the practicum study to close the achievement gap using the 10:10 Curriculum Model. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
10:10 Model Data Summary Report This slide represents student AW gradual progress in closing her achievement gaps in Algebra 1, from week 1 to week 11. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Measuring Student Achievement “Closing The Achievement Gaps” 10:10 Model Data Summary Student : AW Demographics: Female student, single parent home, lower income status Measuring Student Achievement “Closing The Achievement Gaps” 5% increase from wk 1 to wk 2 17% increase from wk 2 to wk 3 18% increase from wk 3 to wk 4 16% increase from wk 4 to wk 5 6% increase from wk 5 to wk 6 17% increase from wk 6 to wk 7 27% increase from wk 7 to wk 8 12% increase from wk 8 to wk 9 30% increase from wk 9 to wk 10 4% increase from wk 10 to wk 11 The data reflects student AW increased her understanding of Algebra 1 weekly using the 10:10 Model. Although the increase was not as significant as others the student continued to show improvement This slide summarizes the data evaluated to document the student AW academic progress using the 10:10 Model. Based on these findings I plan to continue to develop the 10:10 Curriculum Model across the core content areas. Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Formulate strategies to identify appropriate topics for research. Where do we start? What role will I play in the process? Will I need to make changes to my instructional strategies? What additional resources will I need to “Close the Achievement Gap?” How will this affect curriculum & instruction? Closing the presentation with questions for them to answer for the next PD. The response from each participant will kick off the next PD with a discussion session via groups. Summarizing their ideas and presenting them to the group..setting up for the next PD..Closing the Achievement Gap? Curriculum Assessment Instruction
Conclusion Curriculum Assessment Instruction The cross roads in education today has placed a greater demand on educators as well as curriculum developers, to improve student performance. The data in my practicum study may be one more option to help Close the Achievement Gap in urban education and decrease the number of students dropping out of life. I plan to continue this study in hopes of redefining how a student success can be measured.