The Sustaining Digital Scholarship Project ETD 2005 Thornton Staples Digital Library Research and Development University of Virginia Library
Sustaining Digital Scholarship Collecting scholarly projects into a curated collection Creating large-scale scholarly projects since 1992 Graduate students have been heavily involved Dissertations and theses will become much more complex
Digital Scholarly Projects These are not articles nor illustrated monographs They generally represent the scale of effort of writing a book These projects are more like virtual exhibitions than like books Scholarly commentary is interwoven with elaborate linking among resources
The Rossetti Project Started in 1992 by Jerome McGann Intended to be a model for digital critical archives that combine critical and facsimile editions An edition of all of Rossetti’s written and graphic works ~5,000 XML files, ~12,000 image files Involves many different rights agreements
Assumptions The primary assumption is that we are bringing the projects into the Library’s management stream They often include large numbers of digital surrogates of traditional resources Increasingly, they will include born digital primary resources
Some policy implications The collection of digital projects should go through the selection process The Library must be prepared to enforce appropriate access control policies We must make explicit promises to authors The Library will probably have to define these promises as levels of effort
Fedora Object Content Models
Text Collections: three models
Related Content Models
Levels of Collecting MetadataFilesContent Relationships Original Delivery 1 Fully Compliant Fully Compliant Exact 2 Fully Compliant Fully Compliant ExactApproximate 3 Fully Compliant Fully Compliant ExactRepresentative 4 Fully Compliant Fully Compliant Exact 5 Fully Compliant Fully Compliant 6 Fully Compliant Binary Files Only 7 Fully Compliant
The Future Collecting project that are created in the wild is not scalable An authoring environment that supports the creation of very complex projects Projects created into an institutional repository directly Move to digital library upon selection
UVA Library Digital Initiatives Web Site: Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanites: The Fedora Project: