Teenage Booster (DTP) & Meningitis C (Men C) Immunisations For All Students In Year 9 or 10
Why Is Men C Necessary? These diseases are very serious and can be fatal. They can affect any age but usually affect children under 5 years and young people aged years. It protects against meningococcal group C bacteria which cause: Meningitis (affecting the brain) and Septicaemia (affecting the blood)
Why Is DTP Necessary? Protects against Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio. These illnesses are also very serious and can be fatal.
Are There Any Side Effects? Both the Men C and DTP vaccinations are very safe but you may have: Soreness, redness, or swelling at the injection site Some people experience: A temperature Muscle aches Headaches and dizziness Nausea and vomiting Severe reactions are very rare and immunisation staff are trained to treat them.
You Can Reduce Side Effects By:- Using your arm normally after the injection Eating breakfast and lunch Take pain killers if necessary (Paracetamol or Ibuprofen) Try to relax before your injection
One i njection of DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio) One i njection of Men C (Meningitis C) How Do I Get My Injections? You will have 2 injections at the same time. One injection is given into each upper arm.
What do I do now? Take your consent form home and fill it out with your parent or carer. Record the immunisations you’ve had in the past on the consent form. Return the form to your School Nurse. Even if you are not having the immunisation, please return the form with your immunisation history on it.
Proof of immunisation status is often required for entry to University and College The DTP and Men C injections will complete your immunisation schedule.
What If I Miss The Immunisation? You will be offered an appointment at the local health clinic. Ask Your School Nurse Look on Health Matters Or visit NHS Choices Any other questions?