Towards Delivering Disease Support Processes for Patient Empowerment Using Mobile Virtual Communities Bert-Jan van Beijnum, Pravin Pawar, Lamia Elloumi and Hermie Hermens Telemedicine Group University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Outline of the Presentation Introduction to the BraveHealth Project Mobile Virtual Communities – Definition and Scope Existing MVCs for CVD patients – Related Work Proposed BraveHealth Mobile Virtual Communities (BMVC) Patient Empowerment Concept and Model BMVC Specific Organization BMVC Case-study Conclusions and Future Work
BraveHealth Project Patient Centric Approach for an Integrated, Adaptive, Context-Aware Remote Diagnosis and Management of Cardiovascular Diseases General Processes: Patient admittance, treatment and custom BraveHealth support Clinical Processes: Assessment of patient and therapeutic procedures in patient treatment Disease Support Processes: Aimed at patient empowerment using proposed MVCs
A definition of MVC Definition of Mobile Virtual Community: “a mobile virtual community is a group of people who interact because of a common interest, problem or task and whose members interact independent of time and space”
Existing MVCs for CVD Patients – Related Work Few of existing patient 2.0 social networks/systems MedHelp, DailyStrength, Healia, PatientsLikeMe, IBM Patient Empowerment System, WellSphere, FaceToFaceHealth…. Following CVD specific facets are addressed Diet, medication, physical activity, physical exercise, education, disease coping, smoking cessation… Following CVD specific disease conditions covered Essential (primary hypertension), Angina pectoris, Acute myocardial infarction, Subsequent myocardial infarction, Heart failure… Applications/tools available to patients and healthcare professionals Trackers, posts, articles, health pages, user journals, groups, health blogs, expert answers, encyclopedia, integrated bosignal monitoring & feedback
MVC in BraveHealth - BMVC A group of persons who use ICT mediated interactions to achieve a specific health related goal and who’s members interact anytime, anywhere The health related problem must be narrowly scoped Persons in a group can play different roles e.g. nurse, caregiver, fitness coach Addresses a well defined CVD lifestyle facet (medication, physical activity/exercise, dieting, …) Offers a specific type of support (informational, instructional, emotional, appraisal / feedback) for patient empowerment
Explanation of Patient Empowerment Processes* Informational support The provision of content for the patients and carers in order to learn and advice about the heart condition Instrumental support Behaviours such as spending time and skills with the patients in order to improve their health condition Emotional support provision of trust, empathy, love and caring to the patient Appraisal support evaluative feedback that encourages patient to follow healthy lifestyle * Tardy C. H., Social Support Measurement, American Journal of Community Psychology
Proposed Model of Patient Empowerment Using MVC
BMVC Specification Organization 9
BMVC Case-study - Patient Leo Nidas Leo Nidas is a chronic CVD patient. His current situation is as follows: He has problems to comply with taking the prescribed medication at the right time. L. Nidas is now member of a CVD medication support community He needs to do physical exercises twice a day and has anxiety problems doing so. L. Nidas recently joined the physical exercise support community. He is interested in the latest info and knowledge about his specific CVD condition. L. Nidas has become a member of the CVD information community.
Patient-Centric View of Proposed MVCs 11
Conclusions and Future Work The proposed BMVCs are patient-centric Each community has a well defined support scope and addresses a particular CVD lifestyle facet Each community has related roles, services, services interaction policies and applications A member participates in multiple communities – depending on required type of support A community member takes on an appropriate role/s depending on the expertise The proposed patient empowerment model sets the BMVCs apart from other communities Presently we are using existing community engines (e.g. ELGG, DOLPHIN, Facebook) for the realization of BMVCs Our aim is to have custom implementation of all BMVC specific components – Platform management, Template management, Community management & Individual communities.