HHC STATISTICS 37 students served (2010/2011 # was 22) 30 maximum daily attendance (all we had room for) 146 HHC days (125 in 2010/2011) 746+ hours of volunteer tutoring (not including staff compared to 350+ volunteer hours in 2010/2011) The new Friday reading club added 150 volunteer hours (not including staff hours) Staff hours in direct service to HHC were 438 ($10,000 in TFS staff time)
BACKGROUND All students referred to HHC by 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd grade teachers at IES Remember where we are starting: 60% of all students began the program reading at a Pre-K level or below We had a 99% success rate in getting HHC students to complete all homework on time 29 community volunteers provided tutoring services
READING ASSESSMENT RESULTS GRADE 1 All 1st grade students started HHC reading at a pre-K level All 1 st grade students improved their reading scores between 1.00 and 2.50 grade levels All students now read at a mid first grade level or higher One student started HHC at a pre-school level is now reading at a mid 2 nd grade level
READING ASSESSMENT RESULTS GRADE 2 All 2 nd grade students started HHC reading between a pre-K to beginning K level All 2nd grade students improved their reading scores between 1.00 and 2.50 grade levels One second grade student started at Pre-K ended the program reading at grade level
READING ASSESSMENT RESULTS GRADE 3 Students in this group began HHC at a second grade reading level or below 3 students began the program at a mid-K level 8 of 9 students improved 1 grade level or more 2 students advanced 2 full grade levels and 2 students now test out at a 5 th grade reading level
HHC 2012/2013 We need to look at our mix of available HHC slots and apportion them wisely (grades 1 to 3 are critical) Increased Volunteer recruitment will be crucial Have to get additional space from IES Move slowly into 4 th grade Summit with tutoring groups in higher grades to see if collaboration is a possibility