TODAY’S ACTIVITIES ARE: Communications Club Geometry Homework Help Homework Club Writer’s Workshop Rock n Soul Rehearsal Soccer Practice If you are staying for an Activity and forgot to notify your parents – you will be allowed to call today from the Main Office DURING YOUR LUNCH PERIOD ONLY. Please ask for a pass from the lunchroom.
All students going on the new York trip please see Dr. Stoll for some important information before you leave school today…NO EXCEPTIONS!! Deondray Sumpter please see Dr. Stoll before you leave school today. Dr. Stoll
Outdoor Education Permission slips are due TODAY by 3:00 p.m.! Please be sure to turn in your permission slips IMMEDIATELY! You may give them to any 6 th grade teacher or stop by Ms. D’Orazio’s classroom. Absolutely NO late slips will be accepted! Questions – see Ms. D’Orazio! Thank you!
Net Club starts next Tuesday, beginning April 5, 2011in the Gym at 2:50pm until 4:00pm. This is a great way to have fun with your friends after-school, relieve stress, improve your skills in Volleyball and Badminton. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Vails or Mr. Montfort.
Don’t forget – Final payment for the Philadelphia field trip is due on Friday, April 15, Students should sign-up for the field trip through their Social Studies teacher. Space is limited to 156 students – so don’t miss out! Students can reserve their seat by making a full payment or partial payment to their Social Studies teacher as soon as possible. Thank you - Mr. Prillman, 8th Grade Field Trip Sponsor
Do you need some SSL Hours? There are some volunteer opportunities available at Brookside Gardens as an exhibit Flight Attendant, Ticket Taker or Tour Guide for the butterfly exhibit.! See Mrs. Mullen in the Media Center or go to the BBMS SSL website for more details on volunteering.
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”