PATH: College Readiness Plan Organization Organization Goal Setting Goal Setting Positive Attitude Positive Attitude
Goals To be responsible for their work, study habits, and discipline To be responsible for their work, study habits, and discipline To always treat their peers and the school staff with respect To always treat their peers and the school staff with respect To develop strong character so others will see them as respected individuals To develop strong character so others will see them as respected individuals To be prepared for their next level of education To be prepared for their next level of education
School Days Students should arrive at 7:50 A.M. Students will come immediately to the classroom to start instruction. BUSY DAYS AHEAD…DON’T GET BEHIND. EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST!!! TARDY BELL IS 8:20 A.M TARDY BELL IS 8:20 A.M
MATH *First in Math * * Students will have daily homework.
SCIENCE Nature of Science Life Science Physical Science Earth Science Nature of Science Life Science Physical Science Earth Science -Grades will come from labs, class work, science binder, and tests. Homework will consist of projects and studying for tests.
SOCIAL STUDIES United States History Projects Vocabulary
READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Word Study
READING HOMEWORK Reading Log Spelling Calendar/Handbook-can be seen online and every student will be given a hard copy if needed. Occasional Projects/Homework
ATTENDANCE It is important to be here everyday. It is important to be here everyday. Please call the office if your child is out sick. Please call the office if your child is out sick. Please send a note with your child when he/she returns. Please send a note with your child when he/she returns. Send note ahead of time if you know your child is going to be out. Send note ahead of time if you know your child is going to be out. Students are responsible for asking for the make-up work. Students are responsible for asking for the make-up work.
Tardy and Early Dismissals Please send a note to be turned into the office. Please send a note to be turned into the office. Doctor/Dentist appointments: Please try to make them early morning or after school. Doctor/Dentist appointments: Please try to make them early morning or after school. (During Specials time if during the day)
Classroom Libraries We are happy to share our libraries but we ask that students take care of our books. -Please sign them out. -Please return them in a timely manner. -Please replace them if damaged. Scholastic orders help to add books to our classrooms. We are also happy to accept any donations. Our students have a lot of books to choose from and we want to keep it that way.
Scholastic Book Orders Points are received for all books ordered and we turn around and order books with those points. Our classes also receive 3 free books for each parent order on-line. Please see our website for the Scholastic link and directions. (It is very easy) Points are received for all books ordered and we turn around and order books with those points. Our classes also receive 3 free books for each parent order on-line. Please see our website for the Scholastic link and directions. (It is very easy) Thank you in advance for any orders that you may place!! Please do not feel like you have to order out of each set sent home. Please do not feel like you have to order out of each set sent home. – The order sheets seem to multiply faster than you would believe and as soon as the students see them…they want them. – They are also a great resource for library choices. For more information please see our websites. (Morris and Treadwell) For more information please see our websites. (Morris and Treadwell)
Conference Time Our conference time is 11:15a.m. except for Thursdays. Please call or to schedule a time to meet with us.
CONTACT US – is easier for us to check than the phone. We will check our after school daily if not before. – If you have an urgent message for us, please call the Brill office and they will deliver it.
The Agenda: What can you do? Please check your child's agenda nightly. Any unfinished class work may come home as homework. All students work at different paces. Some students may find that they will have homework due to their use of time during the day. Some students are also very detailed oriented and this can cause homework. Any unfinished class work may come home as homework. All students work at different paces. Some students may find that they will have homework due to their use of time during the day. Some students are also very detailed oriented and this can cause homework.
Utilize our websites (A valuable source) – Contact information – Study guides – Website links – Parent information (FAQ) – Upcoming tests/quizzes – Homework – Scholastic link – Homework help sites
Study Time Please help us help your child by reviewing study guides for tests, spelling words, and math facts. THEY MUST KNOW THEIR MATH FACTS!!! IT IS A PROVEN FACT THAT THEY NEED THEM TO BE SUCCESSFUL!!!
Tuesday Folder Look for your child to bring home a folder each Tuesday. Inside will be information on grades, upcoming events, and classroom performance. Signature required.
HOMEWORK Teaches students to be responsible Practice skills introduced in class Students write assignments in Agenda. Missing homework will be documented in Tuesday Folder. Students should be reading minutes independently weekly to increase fluency. Reading improves all subjects. Please check teacher websites
Rewards Good phone calls home Achieve and Believe Consequences Warning Phone Call home Office referral
Student Progress GRADESPEED – sign up for up to the minute access. notification for low grades (parent set expectations) Students can get in the habit of checking their own grades. GRADESPEED – sign up for up to the minute access. notification for low grades (parent set expectations) Students can get in the habit of checking their own grades. Tuesday folder Tuesday folder Progress report Progress report Report card Report card Phone calls and conferences, as needed Phone calls and conferences, as needed
Communications/Information for Parents Monthly School Newsletter Monthly School Newsletter Teacher websites Teacher websites District Student Handbook/Code of Conduct District Student Handbook/Code of Conduct Tuesday folder Tuesday folder
How can YOU help? Encourage Encourage Assist Assist Help with homework Help with homework Review math facts Review math facts Sign Tuesday Folder and review papers that come home on Tuesday Sign Tuesday Folder and review papers that come home on Tuesday Read to your child and have him/her read to you. (They are not too old for this) Read to your child and have him/her read to you. (They are not too old for this)
Call for GT Referrals The GT referral window for K-11 is August 27th- September 28th. If you would like to refer your child for Klein’s Gifted and Talented Program, please stop by the front office and pick up a referral packet. The GT referral window for K-11 is August 27th- September 28th. If you would like to refer your child for Klein’s Gifted and Talented Program, please stop by the front office and pick up a referral packet. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our counselor, Jennifer Matus at or our Assistant Principal, Sandra Speer at If you have any questions or concerns, please call our counselor, Jennifer Matus at or our Assistant Principal, Sandra Speer at For more information you may also visit the KISD website. Click Departments>Advanced Academics>Gifted and Talented Referral packets must be turned in to the counselor/front office by Friday, September 28th. Referral packets must be turned in to the counselor/front office by Friday, September 28th.
WE LOOK FORWARD TO A GREAT YEAR!!! Thank you for coming!! We are all here for the same purpose… Successful Students!!!