The journal of Jasper Jonathan pierce Book Report Ms Ness’s class Noah Guercio
Sections The Journey on the May Flower First couple of months The rest of the time
The journey on the mayflower It took 66 days to get to the americas imagine only eating fish for that long I couldn’t do it I like fish but not that much
There's a bad storm that breaks the main beam The boat was leaky and you could get salt sores They decied to keep on going even though it was broken and they might not make it.
The first couple of months in America The ship landed in the middle of the winter There first months were spent building houses FOR MORE INFO... List location or contact for competitive analysis (or other related documents) here
houses There are two types of houses square and long Square are 20 by 20 and long is 20 by 40 Square is mostly homes and long is mostly stores and stables
The first thanksgiving Most people think that the Indians were invited over but the heard the pilgrims hunting and thought that they were under atack So they sent there troops over and then got invited I wouldn't have invited them if they had just sent an army at me
What happened after The system of government that the pilgrims had is common wealth were everyone helps each other but people got lazy and just let others do there work So they divided up the land into sections and gave each person his own garden That’s were privet property came from
conclusion This book was good and I realy liked it my favorite part is when Lester and doitly blow the barrel
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bibliography History/English%20Colonies,%201600%20- History/English%20Colonies,%201600%20- %201650_The%20Plymouth%20Colony.html e/ e/ 9yAHZ5IDQB7jTjDKcte3lA- i5zgkIABABKAJQs4na_P3_____AWDJxpGN6KSMGJABAsg BAaoEHE_QCN_kftkxe_LqPQUqjCu5Q39EPhwTDA- EeASAB8TdiQqQBwM&sig=AOD64_0GIsx4QgvJd1_VL6w3 Qa7pUcIsaQ&ved=0CCsQ0Qw4Cg&adurl= Thanksgiving?&id= Thanksgiving?&id=