ADVANTAGES OF FULL CLOSURES Impact on customers (travelers) is for a much shorter duration than traditional part width-construction. Use of detour is a safer driving environment than being stuck in traffic in traditional part width construction. Safer working environment for the contractors. Receive a higher quality end product.
DISADVANTAGES OF FULL CLOSURES Limited locations it can be used. More coordination and planning needed up front. More expensive?
KENTUCKY’S FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH FULL CLOSURES I-65 in Louisville, Kentucky A 90 Day Project in 107 Hours 2000
TRADITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL VS. FULL CLOSURE Using Traditional methods, work would have taken approximately 90 working days as opposed to two weekends for the full closure. Using traditional methods, estimates showed severe traffic congestion throughout the day (6am-6pm). Using a full closure has larger impact on the traveling public, but for a much shorter duration. This holds with the Cabinet’s philosophy of, “Get In, Get Out, & Stay Out.” Using a full closure gave the Cabinet the opportunity to complete supplemental needed repairs in the work zone.
FACTS ABOUT THE I-65 PROJECT ADT of 130,000 vehicles (approximately 50% commercial truck traffic) Work zone six miles in length Replaced bridge expansion joints (17NB & 27SB) Resealed bridge expansion joints (2NB & 6SB) Patched bridge decks (5 Bridge NB & 5 Bridges SB)
I-65 DETOUR The total detour length was 20 miles; however, the detour was only 7 additional miles longer than the original route. Twelve side streets were partially or completely closed during the two weekends.
KENTUCKY’S SECOND EXPERIENCE WITH FULL CLOSURES I-64 in Louisville, Kentucky An Eight Month Project in 8 Weekends 2001
TRADITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL VS. FULL CLOSURE Using Traditional methods, work would have taken approximately eight months as opposed to 8 weekends for the full closure (the Cabinet estimated 15 weekends). Using traditional methods, traffic modeling showed severe traffic congestion throughout the day with possible backups of 15 miles. Using a full closure has larger impact on the traveling public, but for a much shorter duration. This holds with the Cabinet’s philosophy of, “Get In, Get Out, & Stay Out.” Full closure allows the Cabinet the opportunity to complete supplemental needed repairs in the work zone.
FACTS ABOUT THE I-64 PROJECT ADT of 100,000 vehicles Work zone 3.3 miles in length 135,000 tons of asphalt placed (paved approximately 13 lane miles) Poured 428 CU.YDS. Of concrete overlays on bridges and in the tunnels New barrier walls placed on the bridges & inside the tunnels 10 acres of sod placed in the median 40,000 tons of stone used on shoulders and for road repairs 30,000 feet of guardrail installed/replaced (1/3 rustic guardrail) Installed video cameras, vehicle detectors, & variable message signs New lighting system placed in the tunnels 90 new street lights installed
STEPS TO INSURE SUCCESS Public Awareness/Public Information Campaign Partnering with the media Newspaper & Radio Advertising Personal visits to businesses & residents along work zone Use of ITS systems (TRIMARC) Sent flyers to trucking industry Placed information on CB radio Cabinet setup a local phone number to give information
STEPS TO INSURE SUCCESS (CONT’D) A Sound Traffic Control Plan Advance signage/Intensive signage Comprehensive Traffic Control Plan Involvement of local and state police Used helicopters to monitor traffic flow
RESULTS No major backups No traffic accidents Public’s needs better served More respect for the Cabinet from the community Safer, more efficient work zone environment
LESSONS LEARNED Full closure is a viable traffic control alternative. Public awareness is vital to the success of full closures. Public prefers full closures as compared to traditional traffic control methods.