School Community Councils Orientation Agenda Overview of the SCC Role of the SCC Vision of the SCC Financial Administration of the SCC Code of Conduct of the SCC Website Tour Group Discussions
Expectations and Criteria of Provincial SCC’s The Framework will: 1. Be common and province-wide yet flexible. 2. Focus on enhancing learning outcomes and supporting the learning program (SIP)and supports for learning. 3. Ensure Board of Education accountability
SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS Vision The School Community Council is an integral, purposeful and valued component of school division governance. Created through an election process. Integrated into Board of Education and school- level decision making processes. Work jointly and cooperatively with the community and school staff. Guided by common standards included in legislation. Boards of Education address flexibility through policy.
SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS Vision The School Community Council is inclusive of the community and representative of the students in the school. Membership includes elected Representative Parent and Community Members, student and First Nations representatives, and Permanent Members including the Principal or delegate(s), a teacher and appointed advisory representatives to support implementation of School PLUS. Parents representative of the student body. Nomination and election at Annual Meeting. Two-year terms with annual elections. Involvement is voluntary.
SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS Vision The School Community Council roles are clear and well understood. The purpose of School Community Councils is “to develop shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being for all children and youth and encourage and facilitate parent and community engagement and”. Understands community; Advises the school, Board and others; Develops and Recommends the School Improvement Plan; Approves fees, fundraising and student code of conduct; Takes Action on its initiatives, Reports annually; and Develops its Capacity. Develops and submits for approval a constitution to the Board.
SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS Vision The School Community Councils responsibilities address key matters that make a difference in student learning and well-being. Focuses its attention on the areas of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) where the parent/community perspective and efforts are most appropriate and needed. Monitors its activities to support continuous improvement in the areas of student learning and well-being.
SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS Vision The School Community Council aligns its work with Provincial Continuous Improvement Framework and School Division Continuous Improvement Plan. Work aligns with the provincial overarching accountability framework and focuses on related division goals and initiatives. Work aligns with provincial and division learning and well-being outcomes for students.
SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS Vision The School Community Council is accountable, transparent and responsive in its relationship with parents and the school community. Actively engages parents and community members in matters of concern related to public education. Reflects the nature of community in which it is situated by collecting and sharing appropriate information with others. Regularly reports on its activities to parents, the school, and the community.
School Community Profile: School Community Profile:SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS School Contribution Curriculum and Options Staff Facilities School Year and Day Educational Philosophy School Community Council Contribution Community Social, Economic, and Health conditions Community Needs and Aspirations Community Resources
System Goals 1. Our students have opportunities to learn and succeed in every school. 2. Our students achieve at high levels. 3. Our Division and its schools effectively use information to measure, monitor and report continuous improvement. 4. Our Division builds, strengthens and maintains positive relationships with all internal and external stakeholders.
Connection to the School Division Goals Connection to the School Division GoalsSCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS For each of the four goals, there will be at least three levels of consideration: Share information with School Community Councils to enhance their knowledge and understanding; School Community Councils participate with the school to develop school based strategies to achieve school division goals; School Community Councils develop community based supports for the agreed upon school goals.
Steps in Developing Improvement Plans: SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS 1. Review the School Community Profile 2. Establish Beliefs and Create Vision 3. Reassess Needs Based on the Vision 4. Develop Objectives 5. Create an Action Plan 6. Identify Program Supports 7. Submit the Plan to the Board for Approval 8. Monitor/Evaluate, and Communicate Achievement
ADVICE GENERAL ADVICE RELATED TO POLICY, PROCEDURE OR PROGRAM The Principal may request advice on extra curricular programs, family-life curriculum, or supports and enhancements to the learning program A Regional Health District may seek advice on a wellness initiative for children and youth Community Recreation or Library Boards may request advice regarding recreation or literacy programsSCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS
ADVICE ADVICE ON EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Councils will provide advice through their jointly developed Learning Improvement Plan The interest of ALL children must be taken into consideration and Special Advocacy Groups should not detract from the learning for all students ADVICE ON THE FORMATION AND STRUCTURE OF SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCILS Annual dialogue facilitated through the School Community Council ForumSCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS
PRINICPAL’S ROLE RELATIONSHIPS 1. A Focus on RELATIONSHIPS 2. Promoting School Community Council Development Elections Arranging for the Annual Meeting Guidance in developing the Constitution Guidance in developing a Communications Plan Sharing information Providing and Seeking Advice Leadership in developing the Learning Improvement Plan 3. ReflectionSCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS
Financial Administration of SCC’s Each School SCC is allotted 2, per year. The money is intended to support the SCC in: Communication and public relations– copying, postage, advertising, signage; Mileage for School Community Council travel to meetings; (if so deemed by individual Councils); Developing school profiles; Meeting incidentals; Leadership in-service activities that may be made available to members; Memberships in provincial organizations; School Community Council conference attendance and professional development.
Planned activities assigned to the School Community Council in the School Improvement Plan such as: – Support for the learning program – student presentations, speakers; etc.; – Support to the parent community – resources, speakers, etc.; – Access to community resources – museums, facilities, etc. School Community Councils may provide for fundraising activities in support of the school. 8.1 All such activities must be approved by the Principal. All funds of the School Community Council must be managed as required by the Superintendent of Division Services/Chief Financial Officer.
SCC Decision making on expenditures SCC Allocation Welcome Back Breakfast/BBQ’s Chairs Toaster Art classes, Bully Presentation, Zumba Wii game system Gifts: honourarium Prizes: Math Night Travel for members P.D.: Rural Congress etc. Other Revenues Agendas Text Books Desks, Chairs Toaster Grad flowers Wii game system Gifts: Retirements, Farewells etc. Prizes: Halloween
SCC CODE OF CONDUCT SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS A person who accepts a position as a member of the School Community Council: Honors the role for School Community Councils in the school division and will be guided by the overall vision and purpose of School Community Councils; Performs his/her duties with honesty and integrity; Endeavors to be familiar with and performs his/her duties in accordance with the Mission, Vision and Administrative Procedures of the South East Cornerstone School Division;
SCC CODE OF CONDUCT SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS A person who accepts a position as a member of the School Community Council: Works to ensure that issues are resolved through due process; Strives to be informed and only passes on information that is reliable and correct; Respects all confidential information; Declares any conflict of interest Supports public education
SCC CODE OF CONDUCT SCHOOLCOMMUNITY COUNCILS A Council Member who is approached by a parent/guardian with a concern relating to an individual is in a privileged position and must treat such a discussion with discretion, protecting the confidentiality of the people involved, and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. Members of the School Community Council will not discuss or be given access to personal confidential information about or complaints about any pupil, family member or guardian of any pupil, teacher, administrator or other employee of or member of the Board of Education. School Community Councils are governed by “The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of privacy Act”
Discussion All Resources online: Walk Through – Manuals and Templates Annual Report SCC Elections Financial Case Study Group work/ Discussion
Case Studies Case Study # 1 A parent phones and is very concerned about the grade her teenager has received in a course at the school. She feels that the teacher was unfair. How would you respond? What action would you take?
Case Studies Case Study # 2 You have served the SCC in your community for 5 years and the community admires your efforts in supporting the school in this capacity. Last night you received a call from a friend that the new high school teacher is making inappropriate comments to students in a Grade 10 Wellness class about their gym clothes. Three days later two more parents with similar stories call you and ask you to do something because their daughters are very upset with the comments from the new teacher. How would you respond? What action would you take?
Case Studies Case Study #3 The SCC along with the school administration have set Math improvement as a school improvement plan goal for the school year. You are approached by some parents who want to initiate a home Math Facts program to assist the school with this goal. How would you respond? What action would you take?
Case Studies Case Study #4 You are approached by a group of parents who are concerned about how the school is handling extracurricular sports activities. They have a range of issues: team selection, scheduling of tournaments, sports offered etc. How would you respond? What action would you take?
Good Night Questions A Note out the Door